Based on the t-J model and slave-boson theory, we have studied the electronic structure in one-dimensional SrCuO2 by calculating the electron spectrum. Our results show that the electron spectra are mainly composed of three parts in one-dimensional SrCuO2, a sharp low-energy peak, a broad intermediate-energy peak and a high-energy peak. The sharp low-energy peak corresponds to the main band (MB) while the broad intermediate-energy peak and high-energy peak are associated with the shadow band (SB) and high-energy band (HB), respectively. From low-energy to intermediate-energy region, a clear two-peak structure (MB and SB) around the momentum Γ appears, and the distance between two peaks decreases along the momentum direction from Γ to π/2, then disappears at the critical momentum point kc, leaving a single peak above kc. The electron spectral function in one-dimensional SrCuO2 is also the doping and temperature dependent. In particular, in the very low doping concentration, the HB merges into the MB. However, with the increases of the doping concentration, the HB separates from the MB and moves quickly to the high-binding energy region. The HB and MB are the direct results of the spin-charge separation while SB is the result of strong interaction between charge and spin parts. Therefore, our theoretical result predicts that the HB is more likely to be found at the low doping concentration, and it will be drowned in the background when the doping concentration is larger. Then with the temperature increases, the magnitude of the SB decreases, and it disappears at high temperature.