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Tackling the Virus: Patent Analysis Unravels Promising Technologies to Combat Avian Influenza.
The Impact of Sars on the Philippines Economy.
Evotec Technologies Provides InsightTM Cell.
Agilent's New HD-CGH Custom Microarrays for Pinpointing Cancer-related Genetic Abnormalities.
The article summarises Asia as a biotechnology hub focusing on Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, India, Japan, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand. It describes how Asia is one of the more attractive locations for global biotechnology companies to invest in highly skilled staff and world class technologies.
The article discusses the Japanese Biotechnology market which lists human health, agri-food, bioprocess, environment, biotools and bioinformatics as the main industries. It shows a map of structural reorganization in Japan. It also discusses the areas of improvement of the Japanese market.
INDONESIA – Biomed Analysis: Indonesia needs a central science fund.
KOREA – Agilent Technologies helps City of Daegu and Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology search for biomarkers for neurological diseases.
SINGAPORE – New S$6.5m facility at NTU by SCELSE and Carl Zeiss to boost used water treatment and environmental life sciences engineering research in Singapore.
SINGAPORE – Chugai expands in Singapore with opening of second satellite research institute.
SINGAPORE – Rising Above the Present into the Next-Generation.
SINGAPORE – Austrianova Singapore announces new pancreatic cancer models.
SINGAPORE – IBN and Fortis Colorectal Hospital establish tissue bank for colorectal cancer research.
SINGAPORE – Electronic medical records progress from an enterprise-centric solution to a customer-specific application, finds Frost & Sullivan.
SINGAPORE – Global perspectives on Health IT from Harvard Medical School thought leader, Dr Blackford Middleton.
AUSTRALIA – World's first fluorescent flowers.
UNITED KINGDOM – AbD Serotec introduces bovine and ovine Dendritic Cell Growth Kits and antibodies.
USA – Medicago Successfully Completes the Production of More Than Ten Million Doses of H1N1 VLP Influenza Vaccine in One Month.
USA – Research validates BioNano genomics' mapping platform for complex human genome analysis.
USA – Nine population strategies to stop short of 9 billion.
USA – Virtual science libraries to be launched in Central Asia.
USA – Vaginal ring may help reduce HIV infections.
Applying Nano-Scale Technologies to Make Big Ideas Possible.
Toxicity of Engineered Nanomaterials.
Graphene for Smart Medical Devices.
Protein Nanocages: The Versatile Molecular Shell.
Public-Private Partnerships in the Pharmaceutical Industry
KEEEN: The Keen Success in Public-Private Partnerships
Strengthening Singapore's Drug Discovery Capabilities through Public Private Partnerships
Universities: A Treasure Trove of Technologies
Indian Pharma Industry: Trends, Predictions and Challenges.
RFID Smart Sensing.
Rational Design for the Next Generation of Vaccines.
Is Aging a Risk Factor for Cancer?
China's Synthetic Biology Research.
Ethical Responsibility to Manage Incidental Findings in Brain Imaging Research.
Translating Research at SingHealth: Cardiometabollic Diseases.
Universities: A Treasure Trove of Technologies.
The Increasing Need for Bioinformatics in Life Science and Biotechnology Research.
Site Mapping the Innovative Way.
New Antifungals or Old?
Cancer Control Efforts in Vietnam: Interview with Dr Tran Thanh Huong.
Prof. Jackie Y. Ying, a Leader in Nanotechnology.
Exclusive Interviews with TR Innovators under 35.
The extensive integration of interconnected devices and the inadvertent information obtained from untrusted sources has exposed the Industrial Control Systems (ICS) ecosystem to remote attacks by the exploitation of new and old vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, although recognized as an emerging risk based on the recent rise of cyber attacks, cybersecurity for ICS has not been addressed adequately both in terms of technology but, most importantly, in terms of organizational leadership and policy. In this paper, we will present our findings regarding the cybersecurity challenges for Smart Grid and ICS and the need for changes in the way that organizations perceive cybersecurity risk and leverage resources to balance the needs for information security and operational security. Moreover, we present empirical data that point to cybersecurity governance and technology principles that can help public and private organizations to navigate successfully the technical cybersecurity challenges for ICS and Smart Grid systems. We believe that by identifying and mitigating the inherent risks in their systems, operations, and processes, enterprises will be in a better position to shield themselves and protect against current and future cyber threats.
This study measures the cost-effectiveness of alternate energy sources for irrigation in Pakistan. Primary data has been collected from eight districts of three provinces of Pakistan. Overall, 223 farmers were personally interviewed out of which, 58 farmers were using electric tube-well, 95 diesel tube-well, and 35 each for solar and biogas-operated tube-wells. The cost of extracting one cubic meter of water through electricity, diesel, subsidized electricity, biogas, and solar was $0.180, $0.013, $0.011, $0.010, and $0.005, respectively. The paper concludes that water pumping using alternative energy sources is cost-effective. Major constraints to adopting solar-powered water pumping systems were the high upfront cost, the lack of awareness, and the lack of available spare parts. The constraints to adopting biogas were difficulty operating and managing through winter.
Medical 4.0 is now emerging as the fourth medical revolution. It represents the applications of electronically supported Information Technology, microsystem, high level of automation, personalized therapy, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled intelligent devices enabled through the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). In the current scenario, the COVID-19 pandemic has a significant effect on global healthcare, and this impact is also observed in associated fields. There is a requirement for proper telehealth management and remote monitoring systems in healthcare. Medical 4.0, if implemented, can adequately handle the ongoing situation in the medical field as it will provide applications of advanced technologies to take care of the challenges of the COVID-19 outbreak. This paper studies Medical 4.0 exclusively and also in the context of COVID-19. The paper provides a brief of the significant medical revolution that has happened so far and identifies the significant supporting technologies of Medical 4.0. It also discusses the primary capabilities of Medical 4.0 for healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The roles of Medical 4.0 in healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic are studied, and finally, this paper identifies 10 significant applications of Medical 4.0 in healthcare during COVID-19-type pandemics. We observe that the contemporary phase of development and mass-level production of intelligent medical devices has not happened in the same way as it has happened for smart electronic devices and application devices. Engineers will have a prominent role in taking up the healthcare challenges that can reach the common man.
Modern technologies are now available to provide appropriate information and improved services in healthcare delivery. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these technologies have played a vital role in providing advanced and digital solutions. The main objective of this paper is to explore various modern technologies. This study further describes the significant applications of these technologies for the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we have identified research papers on modern technologies applications for COVID-19 from the databases of Scopus, Google Scholar, Science direct, and Research Gate. In this paper, we have provided the significant challenges faced during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the role of various modern technologies that can be used to take the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. The substantial benefits and limitations of these technologies are briefly discussed. Finally, the paper would provide essential details of these technologies and their significant role during the COVID-19 pandemic. These technological innovations are increasing rapidly to save human beings’ lives by providing innovative solutions that can convert doctors’ and researchers’ ideas into reality. Various software and digital applications are now available to manage these technologies to provide better healthcare services digitally.
3D scanning technologies are deployed toward developing a digital 3D model for Additive Manufacturing (AM) applications. It collects data, turning it into a 3D model that uses designated 3D printing processes. Many scanners, ranging from low-cost alternatives to professional series that are far more accurate and reliable, are now available to assist in bringing designs to reality. 3D scanning solutions enable the appropriate measurement of 3D physical parts into the virtual world, allowing factory production teams and corporate offices to share critical design information. These techniques are utilized everywhere in the design process, including product design and development, reverse engineering, quality control and quality assurance. The manufacturing sector can decrease costs while accelerating time to market and resolving quality issues. This study investigates the metrological need as per the advancements of 3D scanners. The procedural steps of the 3D scanners, along with specific metrological components and soft tools for 3D scanning, are discussed briefly. Finally, various 3D scanning applications are identified and discussed in detail. Because of the overall relative advantages of these non-contact measurement techniques, 3D metrological tools are crucial for modern production. Almost every sector aims for smaller, more complex components, which are more vulnerable to contamination or injury from even the slightest touch with a probe. The market is driven by global Research and Development (R&D) investment to develop game-changing technologies and solutions. Precision inspection and quality control are significant market drivers for industry progress. Smart factories will have lifetime access to 3D metrological data, allowing them to enhance quality and gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
The world is changing, and so are businesses, customers and technological advancement. With new innovations of technological advances, various new businesses have established to make themselves the market leaders just like large organisations, which are known as start-ups. Similarly, several small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) have also adopted the latest and innovative technologies in their businesses, to make themselves competitive and attract a large customer base. Artificial intelligence, deep learning, robotics, machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain technologies are the latest technologies, which are being adopted by start-ups and shall be adopted by SMEs. This chapter aims to explore and provide insights about the importance of the latest innovative technologies and their usage by the start-ups and SMEs by reviewing the literature. Indian society has adopted digitalisation and so as the start-ups and SMEs which have flourished the Indian markets and engaged the customers and it builds the brand strong and credible.
This paper introduces and explores some solar energy technologies and strategies for the design of habitable rural houses based on case study of a design work, which was honorable mentioned in the 2015 International Solar Building Design Competition. Firstly, the fundamental climatic conditions of the site of the project are studied. Then, some solar building design strategies applied in the design are introduced and discussed based on analysis of environmental conditions, functional needs, local traditional building styles, as well as the needs for integration of solar building technology and other ecological building technologies in the design. Finally, further researches in the relevant areas are remarked.