In a recent paper N. Ba An (Phys. Rev. A68, 022321 (2003)) proposed a scheme to teleport a single particle state, which is superposition of coherent states |α〉 and |-α〉 using a 4-partite state, a beam splitter, and phase shifters and concluded that the probability for successful teleportation is only 1/4 in the limit |α| → 0 and 1/2 in the limit |α| → ∞. In this paper, we modify this scheme and find that an almost perfect success can be achieved if |α|2 is appreciable. For example, for |α|2 = 5, the minimum of average fidelity for teleportation, which is the minimum of sum of the product of probability for occurrence of any case and the corresponding fidelity evaluated for an arbitrary chosen information state, is 0.9999.