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  • articleNo Access


    The use of continuous welded rails (CWR) is increasingly common and is particularly important when it comes to high-speed ballasted tracks. As the longitudinal displacements are restricted in CWR tracks, a considerable rise in temperature induces compressive stresses in the rails that can lead to track buckling. Given the nonlinear behavior of the ballast, usually represented by a linear plastic model, the problem of snap-through buckling may occur, for which only a few nonlinear analysis methods can trace the full response of the track structure. However, these methods fail to yield convergent solutions for problems with thermal loads when implemented in their conventional algorithm. For this reason, a new methodology is presented allowing the calculation of the safe temperature. In addition, some analytical results are also derived for comparison with the numerical results, obtained using three-dimensional finite element beam models provided by ANSYS.

  • articleNo Access

    Thermal Buckling Analysis of Axially Loaded Columns of Thin-Walled Open Section with Nonuniform Sectional Properties

    This paper presents an analytical study on the thermal buckling analysis of axially loaded columns of thin-walled open section with nonuniform sectional properties. Obtained herein are critical loads related to flexural, torsional and flexural-torsional buckling of an I-section column subjected to an axial compressive load applied at the geometric centroid, and under linearly varied non-uniform temperature distribution scenarios. The analysis is accomplished using traditional energy methods. The influences of thermal strain, nonuniform distribution of pre-buckling stresses, and variation of pre-buckling stresses along the longitudinal axis of the column on critical buckling loads are examined. The present results highlight the importance of nonuniform sectional properties in the buckling analysis of columns of doubly symmetric section.

  • articleNo Access

    Influence of Porosity on the Flexural and Free Vibration Responses of Functionally Graded Plates in Thermal Environment

    This paper examines the influence of porosities on the flexural and free vibration response of functionally graded material (FGM) plates based on the authors’ recently developed non-polynomial higher-order shear and normal deformation theory. The theory accommodates the nonlinear variation in the in-plane and transverse displacements in the thickness coordinates. It also contains the hyperbolic shear strain shape function in the displacement field with only four unknowns. A new mathematical model has also been proposed to incorporate the effects of porosity in the FGM plate. Various numerical examples have been solved to ascertain the accuracy, efficiency, and applicability of the present formulation. The effects of porosity, volume fraction index, plate thickness, aspect ratio, boundary conditions and temperature have been discussed in details. The obtained results can be treated as a benchmark for future studies.

  • articleNo Access

    Probabilistic Damage Detection of Long-Span Bridges Using Measured Modal Frequencies and Temperature

    This paper aims to develop a new probabilistic monitoring-based framework for damage detection of long-span bridges, by eliminating the temperature effects from the measured modal frequencies, probabilistic modeling of modal frequencies using kernel density estimate, and detection damage using the control chart. A methodology is presented to address the issue of modal frequencies' non-normal distribution, which has been neglected in the past studies using the control chart to detect the modal frequencies' abnormality caused by structural damages. The efficiency of the proposed framework is validated through a case study of long-term monitoring data of a long-span suspension bridge. The results show that after elimination of the temperature effects, the selected modal frequencies are not normally distributed, while the Q statistics transferred from the modal frequencies follow the standard normal distribution. The abnormality of modal frequencies can be detected when the data points of the Q statistics exceed the limits of the control chart. Further, the control chart has sufficient sensitivity and thus can be used to detect minor abnormalities of the prototype bridge's modal frequencies. It is concluded that the proposed probabilistic monitoring-based framework offers an effective technique for structural health monitoring of long-span bridges.

  • articleNo Access

    Experimental Investigation on Stability of Circular Steel Tubular Stub Columns at Elevated Temperatures Under Axial Compression

    This paper studies the structural stability of circular steel tubular stub columns at elevated temperatures under axial compression. Fifty-one specimens are subjected to high-temperature treatment and axial compression. The variables of the specimen are temperature, wall thickness of steel tube and duration of high temperature. The displacement–load curve, strain–load curve, ultimate load, axial compressive stiffness and failure characteristics of the specimens were analyzed. Test results show that after exposure to high temperatures, the specimens’ failure phenomenon in the axial compression loading test is consistent with that at room temperature, the bearing capacity decreases considerably, the ductility decreases slightly and the axial compressive stiffness changes irregularly. Temperature is the determining factor of the ultimate load of the specimen, and the reducing extent of ultimate load increases with the temperature. When the temperature reaches 1000C, its maximum reducing extent exceeds 50%. Among the three parameters considered in this study, the duration of high temperature has the least influence on the specimen.

  • articleNo Access

    Dynamic Analysis of FGM Plate Under Moving Load Considering Effect of Temperature

    The paper used the moving element method (MEM) to analyze the dynamics of the functionally graded material (FGM) plate under the moving load considering the effect of temperature. To calculate the displacement of the plate, the study applied the Mindlin plate theory. A nine-node isoparametric element, each with five degrees of freedom, is used to model the plate element. According to the MEM, the equation of motion of the FGM plate is established based on the principle of virtual work and on a coordinate system that moves along with the moving load. The temperature field is assumed to be constant in the plane and varies across the plate thickness. By solving the governing equation of temperature transfer, it is possible to obtain a temperature distribution function. Both mechanical strain and temperature-induced strain are considered to determine plate strain. Numerical results were surveyed with different parameters and compared with published results to verify the reliability of the model. It is found that temperature significantly affects the dynamic response of the FGM plate. This study shows that the displacement of the plate increases when the temperature increase.