In this work, an improvement of the Complex Wavelet Additive Synthesis (CWAS) algorithm is presented. This algorithm is based on a discrete version of the Complex Continuous Wavelet Transform (CCWT) which analyzes the input signal in a frame-to-frame approach and under variable frequency resolution per octave. After summarizing several Time-Frequency Distributions (TFD), concretely the standard Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT), the Pseudo Wigner–Ville Distribution (PWVD), reassignment and complex wavelets, a comparative study of the accuracy in the instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation is shown. The comparative study includes three different signal processing tools (based on the summarized TFD): the Time-Frequency Toolbox (TFTB) of François Auger, the High Resolution Spectrographic Routines (HRSR) of Sean Fulop and the proposed CWAS algorithm. A set of eight synthetic signals have been analyzed using six different methods: the regular STFT spectrogram, the PWVD, their corresponding reassigned versions, the Nelson crossed spectrum method and finally the Complex Continuous Wavelet Transform (CCWT). Finally, two- and three-dimensional Time-Frequency representations of the IF provided by the CWAS algorithm are presented.