Obtaining the optimum surface finish is one of the key factors in machining operations. For this purpose, engineers apply a set of machining parameters to obtain the desired surface quality. On the other hand, tool faces wear during machining operation that itself affects the surface quality of machined surface. Therefore, tool wear and surface finish of machined workpiece should be related to each other. In this research, we employ fractal analysis in order to investigate the correlation between variations of complex structure of machined surface and tool wear in turning operation. In fact, we changed the machining parameters between different experiments and investigated how the machined surface is correlated with the tool wear. Based on the obtained results, we can see the correlation between the complexity of machined surface and tool wear by increasing the depth of cut, spindle speed and feed rate in different experiments. The method of analysis employed in this research can be widely applied to other machining operations in order to find the correlation between the surface quality of machined surface and tool wear.
Tool wear is an important issue that happens in all machining operations when the tool exerts forces on the workpiece. Therefore, engineers should choose the optimum values for machining parameters and conditions to reduce the amount of tool wear and increase its life. Machine vibration is one of the factors that highly affects tool wear. Since both tool wear and machine vibration signal have complex structures, in this research we employ fractal theory to find out their relation. In this paper, we analyze the relation between tool wear and machine vibration signal in different experiments where the depth of cut, feed rate and spindle speed change. The obtained results showed that tool wear and machine vibration signal are related to each other in case of variations of depth of cut and feed rate in different experiments, where both fractal structures get more complex by the increment of these machining parameters. The obtained method of analysis in this research can be potentially applied to other machining operations in order to link the machine vibration to the structure of tool wear.
Tool wear is one of the unwanted phenomena in machining operations where tool has direct contact with the workpiece. Tool wear is an important issue in milling operation that is caused due to different parameters such as machine vibration. Tool wear shows complex structure, and machine vibration is a chaotic signal that also is complex. In this research, we analyze the correlation between tool wear and machine vibration using fractal theory. We run the experiments in which machining parameters, namely depth of cut, feed rate and spindle speed change, and accordingly analyze the variations of fractal dimension of tool wear versus the fractal dimension of machine vibration signal. Based on the obtained results, variations of complexity of tool wear are reversely correlated with the variations of complexity of vibration signal. Fractal analysis could potentially be applied to other machining operations in order to investigate the relation between tool wear and machine vibration.
Surface finish of machined workpiece is one of the factors to evaluate the performance of machining operations. There are different factors such as machining parameters that affect the surface finish of machined workpiece. Tool wear is an unwanted machining issue that highly affects the surface finish of machined workpiece. In a similar way, different parameters (e.g. cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut) also affect tool wear. In this research, we investigated how the complex structure of machined workpiece is related to the complex structure of tool wear. For this purpose, we benefited from the fractal analysis. The experiments were conducted based on the variations of machining parameters (depth of cut, feed rate and spindle speed), and accordingly the fractal dimension of machined surface was analyzed versus the fractal dimension of tool wear. Based on the obtained results, the complexity of machined surface is related to the complexity of tool wear. Fractal analysis could be applied to other machining operations to analyze the complex structures of machined surface and tool and potentially make a relationship between them.
The present work aims at numerical approximation in combination with experimental validation of some of the important performance measures in turning of commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti) with uncoated carbide inserts. A three-dimensional (3D) finite element model was developed based on Lagrangian criterion. Simulation of the turning operation was performed using DEFORM 3D software in order to approximate the responses viz. feed force (Fx)Fx), radial force (Fy)Fy), tangential force (Fz)Fz), flank wear (Vb) and machining temperature (Tm)Tm). Usui’s tool wear model was used to predict the flank wear. Morphology of the free and back surfaces of the chips was examined under a field emission electron microscope (FESEM). Turning experiments were carried out on a heavy duty lathe equipped with a 3D dynamometer. Secondly, a quadratic model was acquired for all the aforementioned quality characteristics using response surface methodology (RSM). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was performed to confirm the adequacy of the developed quadratic model. The results obtained from simulation and quadratic model were compared with the experimental data sets. Finally, an error analysis was done to determine the percentage inaccuracy of both the models. The percentage error for all the turning responses, was observed within 6% which showed the satisfactoriness of the proposed approximation tools. However, the simulation model exhibited lower prediction error when compared with the quadratic counterpart.
In this work, an attempt has been made to optimize the process parameters on turning operation of INCOLOY 800H, with the aid of cryogenically treated (24h, 12h and untreated) multi-layer chemical vapor deposition (CVD) coated tools. The influencing factors like cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut and cryogenic treatment were selected as input parameters. Surface roughness, microhardness and material removal rate (MRR) were considered as output responses. The experimentation was planned and conducted based on Taguchi L27 standard orthogonal array (OA) with three levels and four factors. Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods like grey relational analysis (GRA) and technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) have been used to optimize the turning parameters in this work. Similar results were obtained from these MCDM techniques. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was employed to identify the significance of the process parameters on the responses. Experimental research proved that machining performance could be improved efficiently at cutting speed is 55m/min, feed rate is 0.06mm/rev, depth of cut is 1mm and 24h cryogenically treated tool. Tool wear was analyzed for the cutting tool machined at the optimum cutting condition with the help of scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersion spectroscopy (EDS). Dry sliding wear test was also conducted for the optimal condition. The percentage improvement in machining performances is 12.70%.
In order to reduce the adverse effects on the environment and economy and to avoid health problems caused by the excessively used cutting lubrications, cryogenic machining is drawing more and more attention. In this work, a novel cryogenic machining approach was applied for drilling of carbon fiber-reinforced polymers (CFRPs). According to this approach, CFRP was dipped into the liquid nitrogen (LN2) and it was machined within the cryogenic coolant directly. Various machinability characteristics on thrust force, delamination damage, tool wear, surface roughness, and topography were compared with those obtained with dry condition. This experimental study revealed that the novel method of machining with cryogenic dipping significantly reduced tool wear and surface roughness but increased thrust force. Overall results showed that the cryogenic machining approach in this study improved the machinability of CFRP.
This paper addresses an approach based on the Taguchi method with gray relational analysis for optimizing the turning parameters of hardened DIN 1.2344 hot work tool steel (54 HRC) with multiple performance characteristics. A gray relational grade obtained from the gray relational analysis was used for the performance characteristic in the Taguchi method L1818 (21×32)1×32). The optimal turning parameters for surface roughness and tool wear were determined using the parameter design proposed by the Taguchi method. Dry turning tests were carried out using cryogenically treated and untreated uncoated carbide cutting tools. The cutting tool (Untreated and Deep Cryogenic Treated), cutting speed (200, 250 and 300m/min) and feed rate (0.09, 0.12 and 0.15mm/rev) were selected as experiment parameters. The analysis results revealed that the feed rate (72.84%) was the dominant factor affecting surface roughness and the cutting speed (93.93%) was the dominant factor affecting flank wear. The optimum turning parameters for the lowest Ra values were A2B1C2 and for the lowest Vb values were A1B3C2. According to the results of gray relational analysis, the optimum parameters for minimum average surface roughness and minimum flank wear were A1B2C2.
Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most explored nonconventional machining processes due to its ability to machine intricate shapes on conductive materials. However, tool wear is one of the major challenges in the EDM process as it directly affects the accuracy of machining, surface roughness, reproduction of geometrical characteristics on the workpiece and cost of the process. Lots of work have been done to minimize the tool wear by improving the discharge conditions by controlling the EDM process parameters, varying the dielectric characteristics, powder-mixed dielectric methods and ultrasonic-assisted methods. However, minimizing the tool wear by the above approaches also constrains the material removal rate from the workpiece and accuracy of the process. This review highlights the efforts done by the researchers to improve tool wear by recently developed techniques or modifications. Researches available in the field of using treated tool electrode, cooled tool electrode, coated tool electrode, noble tool materials and other techniques are highlighted.
In this paper, the effect of cutting parameters during micromilling on surface finish and material removal rate is presented. Inconel 718 alloy and high-speed steel micro end mill are used as work material and cutting tool, respectively. High-speed steel end mill of 1 mm diameter is subjected to cryogenic treatment. Machining studies are performed on Inconel alloy using untreated and cryogenic treated cutters. The milling tests are conducted at three different values of feed rate, cutting speed and depth of cut. Also, tool wear, microstructure and microhardness of different treated and untreated end mill are investigated and discussed in detail. The results showed that cryogenic treatment significantly improved the tool wear. The surface finish produced on machining the work-piece is better with the cryogenic treated tools than when compared with the untreated tools. The material removal rate is better with the cryogenic treated tools than when compared with the untreated tools. Improvement in tool life was up to 53.16% for Inconel 718 material when machined with cryogenically treated micro end mill.
This paper presents the surface modification of aluminium-6061 by electric discharge machining (EDM). Si–Cu powder metallurgical green compact tool is used to deposit its material on to the work surface under reverse polarity of EDM. Compact load, current and pulse on-time are selected control parameters. Material deposition rate (MDR), tool wear rate (TWR) and surface roughness (Ra)Ra) are considered as process outputs. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis show the presence of tool materials in the deposit of work surface. Olympus optical micrograph shows an average thickness of the deposited layer to be 18.73μμm. The hardness of the deposited layer is found to be 268HV. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows the compact load to be the most effective parameter on surface modification followed by pulse on-time and current, respectively.
This work investigates the influence of tool surface area (TSA) on the average surface roughness (Ra), tool wear rate (TWR) and material removal rate (MRR) in the micro-electrical discharge machining (μEDM). The effects of three different TSAs were investigated at three different discharge energy settings. It was observed that the TSA had substantial influence on μEDM performance owing to scaling effect. Therefore, the low-frequency workpiece vibration was applied to improve the μEDM performance. The surface topography of machined surfaces was examined using scanning electron microscopy to disclose the effect of TSA as well as vibration frequency on μEDMed surfaces.
The surface roughness is a crucial factor in machining methods. The most effective factors on surface roughness are feed rate and tool nose radius. Due to the many advantages of wiper (multi-nose radius) inserts, their importance and use has been increasing recently. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of wiper inserts on surface roughness and tool wear. In this study, conventional inserts and wiper inserts were experimentally compared separately in milling and turning operations. Compared to conventional inserts, the surface roughness values obtained using wiper inserts improved by 33% in turning operations and approximately 40% in milling operations. It was observed that the production time in the turning process was reduced by about 25% in the case of using wiper inserts compared to the use of conventional inserts. In milling, this ratio was determined to be approximately 43% due to the fact that it has multiple cutting edge. It has been observed that the use of wiper inserts in machining methods creates a significant time and cost saving advantage.
Internal turning process is generally used to finish on the internal part of the cylindrical workpiece. This may create degraded surface and high tool wear without and with the usage of coolants. This novel work investigates the internal turning of aluminum alloy using three cutting environments, i.e. dry, flood, and minimum quantity lubrication. The effect of variable machining parameters and cooling media drives the surface quality and tool effectiveness. The in-house fabricated experimental setup was used for the experimental work. A specially designed mist nozzle produces an aerosol used for sustainable machining. Shiny chips and improved surface finish are achieved during near-dry machining, even at higher feeds. The presented method’s usefulness is attributed to high levels of association among conceptual, empirical, and literature survey results. The mist produced by supplying aerosol internally through a boring bar proved an effective technique for better surface integrity than conventional and flood lubrication. Machining productivity increases significantly with an improved surface characteristic and less tool wear.
This study has been carried out to understand and reveal the efficacy of using surface-textured tools in the dry turning of Ti grade-23 alloys. The textures have been fabricated nearer to the primary cutting edge (in the rake face) and the secondary cutting edge (in the flank face) of the tool. The method used for texture fabrication is a nonconventional machining technique, Wire Electro-discharge Machining (WEDM). Micro-grooves/channels have been fabricated in the tools (rake face and flank face). The study also aimed to reveal the influence of texture pattern as well as its position on the cutting edges. The rake face-textured tools had four varieties: vertically textured (VT-R), diagonally textured (DT-R), horizontally textured (HT-R) and cross-textured (CT-R). On the other hand, the flank face had three varieties: cross-textured (CT-F), horizontally textured (HT-F) and vertically textured (VT-F). The cutting performance was measured and compared among the aforementioned different textured tools and nontextured (NT) ones in terms of the forces (Fx, Fy and Fz), temperature, tool wear and chip morphology. The study revealed that the textured tools performed better and the VT-R tool performed the best followed by the DT-R and VT-F tools as compared to NT ones for the dry turning of Ti grade-23 alloys.
In this paper, the effect of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) on tool wear in the hard turning of 100Cr6 ball bearing steel has been investigated and the results are compared to those obtained through dry and wet lubrication methods. The tools used in the study include CBN and nano-CBN tools. The nano-CBN tool is a new generation of CBN tools manufactured based on nanotechnology. No research has been conducted on the impact of this tool on machining processes. The ratio of NCBN tool flank wear land to the CBN tool flank wear land in dry, wet and MQL methods were 0.18, 0.23 and 0.28, respectively. The wear of CBN tool in turning with MQL was 2.8 times greater than the wear of nano-CBN tool in dry machining. In turning with nano-CBN tool, the height of the tool flank wear with MQL was reduced by 22% and 7% concerning wet and dry methods, respectively, while these values were 51% and 24%, respectively, for the CBN tool. The CBN tool wear depends on the lubrication method but the wear of the nano-CBN tool is almost independent of the lubrication method.
The machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy faces several confronts like generation of higher cutting temperature, fast tool wear, poor surface finish, higher tool vibration and chattering. Therefore, this research presents the detailed analysis of the surface roughness, tool flank wear, and amplitude of vibration and chip morphology under MQL enabled Ti–6Al–4V CNC machining. The experimental scheme is chosen as Taguchi L18 orthogonal array (OA) with cutting speed, feed and cutting depth considered as the input processing parameters. Further, WPCA optimization is implemented to evaluate the best combinations of input factors to get the optimal values of outputs.
In the industrial machining process, there have been major advances in near-net-shaped forming, which leads machining to be considered a significant modern phenomenon. Machining turns a huge number of metals into chips every year. This study aimed to determine the wear and mechanical properties of various cutting inserts. Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) and Ceramic Inserts were selected as coated inserts. It was discovered that tool wear at the cutting edge impacts various factors, including the amount of cutting forces created during machining; the surface finish of the workpiece is also compromised, resulting in reduced tool life. Owing to the frequent replacement of cutting tools, the decreased wear rate of cutting tools exponentially raises the costs that companies/machine shops would incur. After the second iteration, this insert began to develop crater wear, which resulted in a poor surface finish and high heat generation. However, the surface finish of this instrument was discovered to be the best during the first iteration. From the outcome, the PCD coated tool with feed speeds and low depth of cuts performed the efficient machining process. The surface finish is also accurate for PCD coated tool. The bat and whale algorithms’ optimization involved to find the best technical parameters to achieve the lowest possible error value based on rake and face wear. The bat and whale algorithms were used to determine the optimized rake and face wear values. The bat algorithm outperforms the whale algorithm in terms of wear value predictions.
High speed machining (HSM) is an attractive process for numerous applications due to its potential to increase production rates, reduce lead times, lower costs, and enhance part quality. In this study, high-speed turning operations on AISI D2 steel using a coated carbide cutting tool under dry conditions were conducted. The cutting parameters examined in this investigation were Vc, f, and ap, while the outputs measured were surface roughness (Ra), cutting temperature (T), and flank wear (VB). To obtain reliable and accurate results, a Taguchi L27 orthogonal array for the 27 experimental runs was employed as well as analysis of variance (ANOVA), response surface methodology (RSM), and artificial neural network (ANN) to develop a constitutive relationship between prediction responses and the cutting parameters. The ANOVA results showed that Vc had a significant effect on T (36.81%) and VB (27.58%), while f had a considerable influence on Ra (24.21%). Additionally, nonlinear prediction models were created for each measured output and their accuracy was evaluated using three statistical indices: coefficient of determination (R2), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), and root mean square error (RMSE). Finally, multi-objective optimization was successfully carried out using the desirability function (DF) approach to propose an optimal set of cutting parameters that simultaneously minimized Ra, T, and VB. The optimized cutting parameters were Vc = 477.28 m/min, f = 0.08 rev/min, and ap = 0.8 mm, resulting in Ra = 1.23 μm, T = 129.9∘C, and VB = 0.049 mm.
Various cutting fluids are available in the cutting fluid market to provide good machining performances for metal cutting industries. Incidentally, most of the cutting fluids are synthetic and semisynthetic in nature, and although they are beneficial to the industries, they are posing health and environmental issues. Even if these cutting fluids have sufficient properties required for good machining, the major constraints associated with these fluids are their nature of nonbiodegradability and nonfriendliness to the environment. To overcome these difficulties, intense research is carried out to develop biodegradable and effective cutting fluids. In this research, a novel castor oil-based cutting fluid infused with nanomolybdenum (MoS2) particles has been developed and its various machining properties have been investigated. Various important cutting parameters like surface roughness, tool life, and cutting force were investigated using this newly developed biodegradable nanofluid as a cutting fluid. Comparative experimental studies have also been undertaken with sunflower oil blend and conventional synthetic oil. Observed results validated that the newly developed castor oil-based nanofluid improves the surface finish and tool life by minimizing the cutting force developed to the considerable extent.
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