In this paper, we consider a certain subgroup IA+n of the IA-automorphism group of a free group. We determine the images of the kth Johnson homomorphism restricted to IA+n for any k≥1 and n≥2. By using this result, we give an affirmative answer to the Andreadakis conjecture restricted for IA+n. Namely, we show that the intersection of the Andreadakis–Johnson filtration and IA+n coincides with the lower central series of IA+n. In a series of this research, we obtain additional results on the integral (co)homology groups of IA+n. In particular, we determine the first homology group, and study the cup product of first cohomologies of IA+n. Furthermore, we construct nontrivial second homology classes of IA+n by observing its generators and relators, and show that the second cohomology group is not generated by cup products of the first cohomology groups.