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  • articleNo Access


    We prove that the N-colored Jones polynomial for the torus knot formula satisfies the second order difference equation, which reduces to the first order difference equation for a case of formula. We show that the A-polynomial of the torus knot can be derived from the difference equation. Also constructed is a q-hypergeometric type expression of the colored Jones polynomial for formula.

  • articleNo Access

    Knot types of twisted torus knots

    Dean introduced twisted torus knots, which are obtained from a torus knot and a torus link by splicing them together along a number of adjacent strands of each of them. We study the knot types of these knots.

  • articleNo Access

    Legendrian torus knots in S1 × S2

    We classify Legendrian torus knots in S1 × S2 with its standard tight contact structure up to Legendrian isotopy.

  • articleNo Access

    Lissajous-toric knots

    A point in the (N,q)-torus knot in 3 goes q times along a vertical circle while this circle rotates N times around the vertical axis. In the Lissajous-toric knot K(N,q,p), the point goes along a vertical Lissajous curve (parametrized by t(sin(qt+ϕ),cos(pt+ψ))) while this curve rotates N times around the vertical axis. Such a knot has a natural braid representation BN,q,p which we investigate here. If gcd(q,p)=1, K(N,q,p) is ribbon; if gcd(q,p)=d>1, BN,q,p is the dth power of a braid which closes in a ribbon knot. We give an upper bound for the 4-genus of K(N,q,p) in the spirit of the genus of torus knots; we also give examples of K(N,q,p)’s which are trivial knots.

  • articleNo Access

    Comparing nonorientable three genus and nonorientable four genus of torus knots

    We compare the values of the nonorientable three genus (or, crosscap number) and the nonorientable four genus of torus knots. In particular, let T(p,q) be any torus knot with p even and q odd. The difference between these two invariants on T(p,q) is at least k2, where p=qk+a and 0<a<q and k0. Hence, the difference between the two invariants on torus knots T(p,q) grows arbitrarily large for any fixed odd q, as p ranges over values of a fixed congruence class modulo q. This contrasts with the orientable setting. Seifert proved that the orientable three genus of the torus knot T(p,q) is 12(p1)(q1), and Kronheimer and Mrowka later proved that the orientable four genus of T(p,q) is also this same value.

  • articleNo Access


    This note gives an explicit calculation of the doubly infinite sequence Δ(p, q, 2m), m ∈ Z of Alexander polynomials of the (p, q) torus knot with m extra full twists on two adjacent strings, where p and q are both positive. The knots can be presented as the closure of the p-string braids formula, where δp = σp-1σp-2 · σ2σ1, or equally of the q-string braids formula. As an application we give conditions on (p, q) which ensure that all the polynomials Δ(p, q, 2m) with |m| ≥ 2 have at least one coefficient a with |a| > 1. A theorem of Ozsvath and Szabo then ensures that no lens space can arise by Dehn surgery on any of these knots. The calculations depend on finding a formula for the multivariable Alexander polynomial of the 3-component link consisting of the torus knot with twists and the two core curves of the complementary solid tori.

  • articleNo Access


    We completely determine which Dehn surgeries on 2-bridge links yield reducible 3-manifolds. Further, we consider which surgery on one component of a 2-bridge link yields a torus knot, a cable knot and a satellite knot in this paper.

  • articleNo Access


    We give a direct computation of the Khovanov knot homology of the (3, m) torus knots/links. Our computation yields complete results with ℤ[½] coefficients, though we leave a slight ambiguity concerning 2-torsion when integer coefficients are used. Our computation uses only the basic long exact sequence in knot homology and Rasmussen's result on the triviality of the embedded surface invariant.

  • articleNo Access

    Petal number of torus knots using superbridge indices

    A petal projection of a knot K is a projection of a knot which consists of single multi-crossing and non-nested loops. Since a petal projection gives a sequence of natural numbers for a given knot, the petal projection is a useful model to study knot theory. It is known that every knot has a petal projection. A petal number p(K) is the minimum number of loops required to represent the knot K as a petal projection. In this paper, we find the relation between a superbridge index and a petal number of an arbitrary knot. By using this relation, we find the petal number of Tr,s as follows:

    when 1<r<s and r1 mod sr. Furthermore, we also find the upper bound of the petal number of Tr,s as follows:
    when s±1 mod r.

  • articleNo Access

    Petal number of torus knots of type (r,r+2)

    Let r be an odd integer, r3. Then the petal number of the torus knot of type (r,r+2) is equal to 2r+3.

  • articleNo Access

    Polygon Indices and Superbridge Indices of Torus Knots and Links

    The minimal number of straight line segments required to form a given knot or link in ℝ3 is determined for a family of torus knots and links.

  • articleNo Access


    The Δ-unknotting number for a knot is defined to be the minimum number of Δ-unknotting operations which deform the knot into the trivial knot. We determine the Δ-unknotting numbers for torus knots, positive pretzel knots, and positive closed 3-braids.