Problems in the genome rearrangement field are often formulated in terms of pairwise genome comparison: given two genomes G1G1 and G2G2, find the minimum number of genome rearrangements that may have occurred during the evolutionary process. This broad definition lacks at least two important considerations: the first being which features are extracted from genomes to create a useful mathematical model, and the second being which types of genome rearrangement events should be represented. Regarding the first consideration, seminal works in the genome rearrangement field solely used gene order to represent genomes as permutations of integer numbers, neglecting many important aspects like gene duplication, intergenic regions, and complex interactions between genes. Regarding the second consideration, some rearrangement events are widely studied such as reversals and transpositions. In this paper, we shed light on the first consideration and created a model that takes into account gene order and the number of nucleotides in intergenic regions. In addition, we consider events of reversals, transpositions, and indels (insertions and deletions) of genomic material. We present a 4-approximation algorithm for reversals and indels, a 4.54.5-approximation algorithm for transpositions and indels, and a 6-approximation for reversals, transpositions, and indels.