We investigate the nonorientable 4-genus γ4 of a special family of 2-bridge knots, the double twist knots C(m,n). Because the nonorientable 4-genus is bounded by the nonorientable 3-genus, it is known that γ4(C(m,n))≤3. By using explicit constructions to obtain upper bounds on γ4 and known obstructions derived from Donaldson’s diagonalization theorem to obtain lower bounds on γ4, we produce infinite subfamilies of C(m,n) where γ4=0,1,2, and 3, respectively. However, there remain infinitely many double twist knots where our work only shows that γ4 lies in one of the sets {1,2},{2,3}, or {1,2,3}. We tabulate our results for all C(m,n) with |m| and |n| up to 50. We also provide an infinite number of examples which answer a conjecture of Murakami and Yasuhara.