Let MM be a closed oriented 3-manifold and let GG be a discrete group. We consider a representation ρ:π1(M)→Gρ:π1(M)→G. For a 3-cocycle αα, the Dijkgraaf–Witten invariant is given by (ρ∗α)[M](ρ∗α)[M], where ρ∗:H3(G)→H3(M)ρ∗:H3(G)→H3(M) is the map induced by ρρ, and [M][M] denotes the fundamental class of MM. Note that (ρ∗α)[M]=α(ρ∗[M])(ρ∗α)[M]=α(ρ∗[M]), where ρ∗:H3(M)→H3(G)ρ∗:H3(M)→H3(G) is the map induced by ρρ, we consider an equivalent invariant ρ∗[M]∈H3(G)ρ∗[M]∈H3(G), and we also regard it as the Dijkgraaf–Witten invariant. In 2004, Neumann described the complex hyperbolic volume of MM in terms of the image of the Dijkgraaf–Witten invariant for G=SL2ℂ by the Bloch–Wigner map from H3(SL2ℂ) to the Bloch group of ℂ.
In this paper, by replacing ℂ with a finite field 𝔽p, we calculate the reduced Dijkgraaf–Witten invariants of the complements of twist knots, where the reduced Dijkgraaf–Witten invariant is the image of the Dijkgraaf–Witten invariant for SL2𝔽p by the Bloch–Wigner map from H3(SL2𝔽p) to the Bloch group of 𝔽p.