This note gives an explicit calculation of the doubly infinite sequence Δ(p, q, 2m), m ∈ Z of Alexander polynomials of the (p, q) torus knot with m extra full twists on two adjacent strings, where p and q are both positive. The knots can be presented as the closure of the p-string braids
, where δp = σp-1σp-2 · σ2σ1, or equally of the q-string braids
. As an application we give conditions on (p, q) which ensure that all the polynomials Δ(p, q, 2m) with |m| ≥ 2 have at least one coefficient a with |a| > 1. A theorem of Ozsvath and Szabo then ensures that no lens space can arise by Dehn surgery on any of these knots. The calculations depend on finding a formula for the multivariable Alexander polynomial of the 3-component link consisting of the torus knot with twists and the two core curves of the complementary solid tori.