Let XX be an abelian surface, and DD be the sum of N(≥2)N(≥2) distinct theta divisors having normal crossings. We set M=X−DM=X−D. We study the structure of the nonvanishing twisted cohomology group H2(M,ℒ)H2(M,L), where ℒL denotes a locally constant sheaf over MM defined by a multiplicative meromorphic function on MM infinitely ramified just along the divisor DD (as will be seen below, we will take as such a function a product of complex powers of theta functions). The de Rham complex on XX with logarithmic poles along DD, associated to the twisted cohomology groups Hp(M,ℒ)Hp(M,L), is PP-valued, where PP denotes a topologically trivial (i.e. Chern class zero) line bundle over XX determined by the locally constant sheaf ℒL. Therefore the main results of this paper, which give us information on the order of poles of meromorphic 2-forms on XX generating the cohomology group H2(M,ℒ)H2(M,L), are divided into Theorems 4.5 and 4.6, according as the de Rham complex on XX with logarithmic poles along DD takes the values in a holomorphically nontrivial line bundle P≠1P≠1 or a holomorphically trivial one P=1P=1 (11 denoting the holomorphically trivial line bundle C×X). Such a phenomenon does not occur in the case of the twisted cohomology of complex projective space with hyperplane arrangement.