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In this paper, we quantitatively examine the dynamics of quantum resources, such as quantum coherence, degree of mixedness, fidelity, and the atomic entropy squeezing, in a quantum system of a two-level atom (TLA) driven by a phase noise laser (PNL) within the context of non-Markovian dynamics. The l1 norm is used to quantify coherence, linear entropy to measure the degree of TLA mixedness, and entropy to detect the atomic squeezing. We demonstrate how these quantum resources can be controlled through a suitable selection of model parameters. Furthermore, we provide the optimal conditions required to manipulate these quantum resources based on changes in the damping coupling. Finally, we discuss the relationships among the quantum resources in the present quantum model.
Here we discuss interaction of a single two-level atom with a single mode of interacting electromagnetic field in the Jaynes–Cummings model with the rotating wave approximation.
A Hamiltonian which describes the interaction of a single atom with two photon modes is introduced. It is shown that the Hamiltonian can be diagonalized in a particular basis. The energies and an eigenvector basis set are obtained. Some quasi-probability densities are calculated using amplitudes determined with respect to the rotated basis. Some of the physical phenomena which are manifested in the calculations are discussed.
We investigate statistical properties of a single mode field that interacts with a two-level atom inside an optical cavity. The whole system is described by dispersive Jaynes–Cummings Hamiltonian, both subsystems starting from superpositions of two states. We consider properties of the field states only at the moment each atom is detected in the ground state immediately after it has crossed the cavity. This allows us to get a list of atomic velocities corresponding to field states with preselected properties. The scheme is exemplified for excitation inversion and sub-Poissonian statistics.
The paper is devoted to the investigation of dynamics of system, consisting of interacting two-level atoms and cavity field. Such a system also covers the Jaynes–Cummings model. This paper consists of an introduction, Secs. 2 and 3 and conclusion. In the introduction, a short history of the problem is presented and the problem is formulated. In Sec. 2, the generalized kinetic equation for the system is derived. In Sec. 3, the generalized kinetic equation is solved. In conclusion, the result is formulated.
Starting with the interaction of interacting field and a two level atom we observe that the atom-interacting field system acquires a space parameter dependent Berry phase after the phase parameter slowly changes and ultimately returns to its initial form.
Conditions are found under which a simple two-level quantum system possessing dipole moment operator with permanent non-equal diagonal matrix elements and driven by external semiclassical monochromatic high-frequency EM (laser) field can radiate continuously at much lower frequency. Possible ways to experimental observation and practical implementation of the predicted effect for a wide range of applications are discussed.
It is shown that a two-level quantum system possessing dipole moment operator with permanent non-equal diagonal matrix elements and driven by external semiclassical monochromatic high-frequency electromagnetic (EM) (laser) field can amplify EM radiation waves of much lower frequency.
In this paper we have investigated the dynamics of two cavities each with a two-level atom, coupled together with photon hopping. The coupled cavity system is studied in single excitation subspace and the evolution of the atom (field) states probabilities are obtained analytically. The probability amplitude of states executes oscillations with different modes and amplitudes, determined by the coupling strengths. The evolution is examined in detail for different atom field coupling strength, g and field–field hopping strength, A. It is noticed that the exact atomic probability amplitude transfer occurs when g ≪ A with minimal field excitation probability and the period of probability transfer is calculated. In the limit g ≫ A there exists periodic exchange of probability between atom and field inside each cavity and also between cavity 1 and cavity 2. Periodicity of each exchange in this limit also obtained.
Quantum trajectory theory is the best mathematical set up to model continual observations of a quantum system and feedback based on the observed output. Inside this framework, we study how to enhance the squeezing of the fluorescence light emitted by a two-level atom, stimulated by a coherent monochromatic laser. In the presence of a Wiseman-Milburn feedback scheme, based on the homodyne detection of a fraction of the emitted light, we analyze the squeezing dependence on the various control parameters.