Let 𝔽q stand for the finite field of odd characteristic p with q elements (q = pn, n ∈ ℕ) and F*q denote the set of all the nonzero elements of 𝔽q. Let m and t be positive integers. By using the Smith normal form of the exponent matrix, we obtain a formula for the number of rational points on the variety defined by the following system of equations over Fq:t−1∑j=0rj+1−rj∑i=1ak,rj+ix1e(k)rj+i,1…xe(k)rj+i,nj+1nj+1=bk, k=1,…,m, where the integers t > 0, r0 = 0 < r1 < r2 < ⋯ < rt, 1 ≤ n1 < n2 <, ⋯ < nt and 0 ≤ j ≤ t − 1, bk ∊ 𝔽q, ak,i ∊ F*q (k = 1, …, m, i = 1, …, rt), and the exponent of each variable is a positive integer. Further, under some natural conditions, we arrive at an explicit formula for the number of 𝔽q-rational points on the above variety. It extends the results obtained previously by Wolfmann, Sun, Wang, Hong et al. Our result gives a partial answer to an open problem raised in [The number of rational points of a family of hypersurfaces over finite fields, J. Number Theory156 (2015) 135–153].