Whether Vassiliev invariants can distinguish all knots or not is a well-known open problem which is equivalent to the question whether the similarity index of any two different knots is finite or not.
Let T and S be two tangles which are n-similar for some natural number n and let the closure
of T be well-defined. Let T* and S* be the mirror images of T and S respectively. Then we show that for any prime number p,
mod p for any integral Vassiliev invariant v of degree ≤ np. We also show that
for any Vassiliev invariant w of degree ≤ n if n is odd. Therefore, if an amphicheiral knot can be distinguished from a trivial knot by a Vassiliev invariant, then it has an even triviality index.
From these, we get some necessary conditions for a knot invariant to be a Vassiliev invariant and get a method to detect the similarity index of two knots or tangles.