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The generalized cell mapping method is extended to study the response of a vibro-impact system with white noise excitation. The transient and steady-state responses of a Duffing–van der Pol vibro-impact system under white noise excitation are obtained by using this method. The accuracy of the method is verified by comparison with Monte Carlo simulation results. In addition, stochastic P-bifurcation for different parameters is considered, and several special forms are observed in this paper.
This paper focuses on the investigation of a vibro-impact (VI) system based upon time-delayed feedback control (TDFC) and visco-elastic damping (VED) under bounded random excitations. A pretreatment for the TDFC and VED is necessary. A further simplification for the system is achieved by introducing the mirror image transformation. The averaging approach is adopted to analyze the above system relying on a parametric principal resonance consideration. By means of the first kind of a modified Bessel function, explicit asymptotic formulas for the maximal Lyapunov exponent (MLE) are given to examine the almost sure stability or instability of the trivial steady-state amplitude solution. Besides, the steady-state moments (SSM) of the nontrivial solutions of the system’s amplitude are derived by the application of the moment method and Itô’s calculus. Finally, the stability and its critical situations of the trivial solution are explored in detail through the important system parameters, i.e. embodying the TDFC parameters, the VED parameters, the restitution coefficient, the excitation amplitude and the random noise intensity. They are tested by numerical simulations. Additionally, the exploration of the steady-state moments involves the emergence of the general frequency response curve and the frequency island, discussions of conditions satisfied by the unstable boundary, and variations of the time-delayed island. Stochastic jumps and bifurcations are observed for the stationary joint transition probability density of the system’s trivial and nontrivial solutions based on parameter schemes of VED and TDFC.
In this paper, a new impact-to-impact mapping is constructed to investigate the stochastic response of a nonautonomous vibro-impact system. The significant feature lies in the choice of Poincaré section, which consists of impact surface and codimensional time. Firstly, we construct a new impact-to-impact mapping to calculate the one-step transition probability matrix from a given impact to the next. Then, according to the matrix, we can investigate the stochastic responses of a nonautonomous vibro-impact system at the impact instants. The new impact-to-impact mapping is smooth and it effectively overcomes the nondifferentiability caused by the impact. A linear and a nonlinear nonautonomous vibro-impact systems are analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the strategy. The stochastic P-bifurcations induced by the noise intensity and system parameters are studied at the impact instants. Compared with Monte Carlo simulations, the new impact-to-impact strategy is accurate for nonautonomous vibro-impact systems with arbitrary restitution coefficients.
A stochastic vibro-impact system has triggered a consistent body of research work aimed at understanding its complex dynamics involving noise and nonsmoothness. Among these works, most focus is on integer-order systems with Gaussian white noise. There is no report yet on response analysis for fractional-order vibro-impact systems subject to colored noise, which is presented in this paper. The biggest challenge for analyzing such systems is how to deal with the fractional derivative of absolute value functions after applying nonsmooth transformation. This problem is solved by introducing the Fourier transformation and deriving the approximate probabilistic solution of the fractional-order vibro-impact oscillator subject to colored noise. The reliability of the developed technique is assessed by numerical solutions. Based on the theoretical result, we also present the critical conditions of stochastic bifurcation induced by system parameters and show bifurcation diagrams in two-parameter planes. In addition, we provide a stochastic bifurcation with respect to joint probability density functions. We find that fractional order, coefficient of restitution factor and correlation time of colored noise excitation can induce stochastic bifurcations.
In this work, we initially study the strange nonchaotic dynamics of a two-degree-of-freedom quasiperiodically forced vibro-impact system. It is shown that strange nonchaotic attractors (SNAs) occur between two chaotic regions, but not between the quasiperiodic region and the chaotic one. Subsequently, we mainly focus on the abundant multistability in the system, especially the coexistence of SNAs and quasiperiodic attractors. Besides, the coexistence of quasiperiodic attractors of different frequencies, and the coexistence of quasiperiodic attractors and chaotic attractors are also uncovered. The basins of attraction of these coexisting attractors are obtained. The quasiperiodic attractor can transform into a chaotic attractor directly through torus break-up without passing through an SNA. The nonchaotic property of SNAs is verified by its maximal Lyapunov exponent, and the strange property of SNAs is described by its phase sensitivity, power spectrum, fractal structure, and rational approximations.