During the last decade, significant progress has been made towards the goal of using machine vision as an aid to highway driving. This chapter describes a few pieces of representative work which have been done in the area.
The two most important tasks to be performed by an automatic vehicle are road following and collision avoidance. Road following requires the recognition of the road and of the position of the vehicle with respect to the road so that appropriate lateral control commands (steering) can be generated. Collision avoidance requires the detection of obstacles and other vehicles, and the measurement of the distances of these objects to the vehicle.
We first explain the significance of vision-based automatic road vehicle guidance. We then describe the different road models, and contrast the approaches based on model-based lane marker detection with adaptive approaches. We describe in detail the important approach of road following by recursive parameter estimation, which is the basis for the most successful systems. We then address the issue of obstacle detection, first detailing monocular approaches. We finally describe an integrated stereo approach which is beneficial not only for obstacle detection, but also for road following.