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  • articleNo Access

    Precision Tests of the Electroweak Theory

    Electroweak data from the high energy electron–positron and proton–antiproton colliders are reviewed. On the whole the data is consistent with and supports the predictions of the electroweak theory. However, a crucial prediction of the theory remains to be verified: the existence of the Higgs boson and its light mass, less than 193 GeV, obtained from a fit to all the data within the electroweak framework. The lower limit on its mass from direct searches being 114 GeV, the mass of the Higgs is fixed within a narrow range which is expected to be explored at the Fermilab Tevatron experiments or later at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

  • articleNo Access

    Probing WWγ coupling through eγνeW at ILC

    The anomalous WWγ coupling is probed through eγνW at the ILC. With a spectacular single lepton final state, this process is well suited to study the above coupling. Cross-section measurements can probe δκγ to about ±0.004 for a luminosity of 100 fb1 at 500 GeV center-of-mass energy with unpolarized electron beam. The limits derivable on λγ from the total cross-section are comparatively more relaxed. Exploiting the energy-angle double distribution of the secondary muons, kinematic regions sensitive to these couplings are identified. The derivable limit on λγ<0 could be improved to a few per-mil, focusing on such regions. More importantly, the angular distributions at fixed energy values, and energy distribution at fixed angles present very interesting possibility of distinguishing the case of λγ<0 and λγ0.

  • articleFree Access

    Heavy quarkonium production and electromagnetic fragmentation in exclusive rare W-boson decays

    We have updated theoretical studies of heavy vector quarkonium production, including J/Ψ, Ψ and ϒ, in the exclusive W-boson decays. Particularly, in the standard model the branching fraction of WJ/Ψˉν (=e or μ) has been predicted to be about 8.5×107, which is substantially larger than those of two-body hadronic radiative W decays. Thus in the future high-luminosity experimental facilities, this rare channel could be very useful to search for the exclusive W-boson decays containing the hadronic final state. Furthermore, the surprisingly large decay rate can be explained by an electromagnetic fragmentation formalism. We have analyzed the lepton fragmentation and the photon fragmentation processes, and calculated their contributions to the differential decay rate of WJ/Ψˉν in the fragmentation limit. It is found that the fragmentation contribution agrees well with the result from the full calculation.