Due to the dispersion of normal modes in shallow water, there exist regular striations on the interference spectrogram in space-frequency domain. Based on the range-frequency domain striations, waveguide invariant can be estimated with the prior knowledge of source range. Utilizing striations along the array, Rouseff and Zurk [J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.130 (2011) EL76–EL81] proposed the striation-based beamforming (SBF), which shows a theoretical possibility to estimate waveguide invariant that is independent of source range. To make this beamforming technique more practical, its application requirements and performance limitation should be defined. These two issues are researched with the phase and amplitude relationships deduced by the frequency-shift compensation theory. It shows the source whose spectrum varies slowly and received signals that contain the complete information of transmission time are keys for applying SBF to real work. The azimuth limitation can lead to the degradation of array gain and distortion of interference structure. Matching parameters of waveguide invariant and source range, respectively, two modified striation-based beamformers are developed to eliminate the azimuth limitation. Simulation and experimental results are presented.