An approach to apply the fractal concept to estimate hydrologic response is proposed in this paper by matching suitable self-similar networks (SSNs) to a specific watershed, and modeling the runoff with a width-function based geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph (WF-GIUH). In order to work out the identification between a specific basin and SSNs that are generated by an interior generator cooperating with an exterior generator, a generalized width function is derived. Subsequently, cumulative width functions on the basis of the derived function, as well as the informational entropies are used as criteria to decide the best patterns of the two cooperating generators for the specific watershed. The WF-GIUH model is then applied to calculate the runoff of this watershed as an outcome of the estimation. To assess the adaptability of the estimation model, San-Hsia watershed of Northern Taiwan is selected as a study area, where the analytical results of the outflow estimation indicate that the fractal algorithm has been implemented successfully for the calculation of hydrologic responses.