Calculation results for the HQET field anomalous dimension and the QCD cusp anomalous dimension, as well as their properties, are reviewed. The HQET field anomalous dimension γh is known up to four loops. The cusp anomalous dimension Γ(φ) is known up to three loops, and its small-angle and large-angle asymptotics up to four loops. Some (but not all) color structures at four loops are known with the full φ-dependence. Some simple contributions are known at higher loops. For the φ→∞ asymptotics of Γ(φ) (the light-like cusp anomalous dimension) and the φ2-term of the small-φ expansion (the Bremsstrahlung function), the 𝒩=4 SYM results are equal to the highest-weight parts of the QCD results. There is an interesting conjecture about the structure of Γ(φ) which holds up to three loops; at four loops it holds for some color structures and breaks down for other ones. In the cases when it holds, it related highly nontrivial functions of φ, and it cannot be accidental; however, the reasons of this conjecture and its failures are not understood. The cusp anomalous dimension at the Euclidean angle ϕ→π is related to the static quark–antiquark potential due to conformal symmetry; in QCD, this relation is broken by an anomalous term proportional to the β-function.
Some new results are also presented. Using the recent four-loop result for γh, here we obtain analytical expressions for some terms in the four-loop on-shell renormalization constant of the massive quark field ZosQ which were previously known only numerically. We also present two new contributions to γh, Γ(φ) at five loops and to the quark–antiquark potential at four loops.