The wind-resistant performance of cable-stayed bridges under construction deteriorates sharply as the cantilever length increases, and the arrangement of the temporary pier is an effective measure to improve aerodynamic stability. To investigate the effect of the temporary pier on buffeting response of a long-span three-tower cable-stayed bridge under construction, the nonlinear buffeting analysis and wind tunnel test of aeroelastic model methods are adopted in this paper. The influence of the type and arrangement positions of temporary piers on mean wind response and the nonlinear buffeting response of double-cantilever construction are studied, and the arrangement of the temporary pier is optimized based on the buffeting response. The results show that the reduction rates of the RMS of the torsional moment at the tower bottom and the lateral buffeting displacement at the girder end with the rigid pier are 35.6% and 59.2% compared to those without the temporary pier. Further, the buffeting response will decrease as the distance between the rigid pier and the tower increases in the state. On the contrary, in the double-cantilever construction state before the constraint of temporary piers, the buffeting response will become significant as the distance increases. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the buffeting response under two construction states when optimizing the arrangement position of the temporary pier.
Parallel bridges subjected to aerodynamic interference can experience wake-induced vibrations (WIVs) within the wind speed range allowed for vehicle operation, affecting ride comfort, and running safety. Wind tunnel tests are conducted to obtain vertical and torsional WIV responses of the leeward railway bridge, and aerodynamic coefficients for both the bridge and the suburban railway vehicle. Displacement-based and harmonic wake-induced force models are developed, and a novel WIV–WVB (Wind–Vehicle–Bridge system considering WIV responses) analysis model is proposed. The analysis focuses on the effects of factors such as buffeting forces, WIV mode orders, bridge entry time, and WIV amplitude on running performance. Results show that the vertical and torsional WIV responses are reproduced using both wake-induced force models align well with test results. At higher wind speeds, the difference in vehicle dynamic responses with and without buffeting forces becomes pronounced. Vertical WIV significantly elevates the vertical acceleration (up to 59.1%) and offload factor (up to 42.9%), while lateral vehicle dynamic responses remain largely unaffected. Higher mode orders further amplify the increases in vertical acceleration and offload factor, and these responses become more sensitive to changes in vehicle speed. Torsional WIV elevates all vehicle dynamic responses, particularly increasing vertical and lateral accelerations by 53.5% and 30.2%, respectively. At constant torsional WIV amplitude levels, vehicle responses exhibit greater sensitivity to changes in vehicle speed and are less influenced by wind speed variations. Vertical acceleration is highly sensitive to changes in vertical and torsional WIV amplitude and is the first to exceed the limit as amplitude increases.
The escalating severity and frequency of extreme weather conditions, such as typhoons and thunderstorms, exacerbate the failure risk of transmission lines. In this study, a series of wind tunnel tests were conducted to investigate the rain-wind-induced vibrations (RWIVs) on an overhead transmission conductor. First, a conductor sectional model was fabricated to accurately represent the physical appearance and material of the prototype conductor. Then, experimental wind-rain conditions were simulated to investigate the impact of rainfall on the cross-wind buffeting vibration of the conductor, with attempts made to reproduce the phenomenon of RWIVs. Meanwhile, section model vibration tests were conducted on the conductor model with an artificial rivulet to investigate the effects of rivulet position, dynamic characteristics, mass, and wind yaw angle. Finally, high-frequency force balance (HFFB) tests were performed on the same conductor model, and the mechanism of the RWIVs was discussed from the viewpoint of galloping. The results indicated that the presence of rainfall slightly decreased the in-plane vibrations of the conductor when no RWIVs occurred. Due to the interference from the spiral aluminum wires on the conductor surface, this type of conductor is less susceptible to RWIV compared to smooth cables. The conductor model with an artificial rivulet exhibited significant vibrations at position angles θ=48∘–60∘, essentially corresponding to negative Den Hartog coefficients.
To investigate the static pressure distribution characteristics of a flying-wing model, an advanced binary pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique is introduced. It has low-temperature sensitivity and can compensate the errors induced by temperature. The pressure measurement test was performed in 0.6 m trisonic wind tunnel at angles of attack ranging from 0∘ to 12∘ in supersonic condition, adopting a low-aspect-ratio flying wing model. The binary PSP is sprayed on the upper surface of the model while pressure taps are installed on the upper surface of the right wing. Luminescent images of two probes are acquired with a color charge-coupled-device camera system and processed with calibration results. During the test, the surface pressure is measured by PSP and transducer, respectively. The results obtained show that the binary paint is of advantage to the surface pressure measurement and flow characteristic analysis. The high-resolution pressure spectra at different angle of attack clearly reveal the impact of leading edge vortex on the upper surface pressure distributions. The pressure measured by PSP also agrees well with the pressure tap results. The root mean square error of pressure coefficient is 0.01 at Ma=1.5, α=0∘.
In order to obtain the flow field characteristics and the influence of boundary layer, numerical simulations and wind tunnel tests are conducted for two streamline traced Jaws inlets at Mach number 7. The inlets are designed based on a flow field with 8-7 planar shock wave (the ramp in pitch plane is inclined at 8° to the free stream and in yaw plane is inclined at 7° to the free stream, yielding planar shocks). In the study, the static pressure distributions were measured and analyzed along the plane-symmetric centerline of the inlet with and without the boundary layer correction, respectively. Results show that boundary layer correction can obviously weaken the viscous influence to the inlet, increasing the mass flow coefficient and improving total pressure recovery.
The sting support faces an issue of being prone to resonance due to its low-damping characteristics, which will compromise the accuracy of test data in wind tunnel experiments. Magnetorheological damper (MRD)-based tail support (MRSS) features varying stiffness and damping abilities, enabling it to suppress the vibration with random, time-variation characteristics in a self-adaptive way, and it also exhibits excellent fail–safe properties. This work aims to validate its controllability and fail–safe property in a wind tunnel environment. First, the natural frequency, root mean square (RMS), and power spectral density (PSD) of the designed MRSS’ response for random excitation were theoretically analyzed. Then, wind tunnel experiments were conducted to test the response under different attack angles, wind speeds, and test currents. Subsequently, the controllability and fail–safe property were demonstrated by analyzing the aircraft model response. Also, the variable stiffness and damping properties of MRD behind the observed phenomena were revealed based on the theoretical analysis. Results demonstrate that as the input current increases and the MRD’s stiffness continues to increase, the damping initially increases and then decreases. Increasing wind speed leads to a decrease in the MRD’s stiffness. Additionally, approximately 50% reduction in RMS and a multi-modal response attenuation was achieved.
In this paper, the covariance-driven stochastic subspace identification technique (SSI-COV) was presented to extract the flutter derivatives of bridge decks from the buffeting test results. An advantage of this method is that it considers the buffeting forces and responses as inputs rather than as noises. Numerical simulations and wind tunnel tests of a streamlined thin plate model conducted under smooth flows by the free decay and the buffeting tests were used to validate the applicability of the SSI-COV method. Then, the wind tunnel tests of a two-edge girder blunt type of industrial-ring-road (IRR) bridge deck were conducted under smooth and turbulence flows. The flutter derivatives of the thin plate model identified by the SSI-COV technique agree well with those obtained theoretically. The results obtained for the thin plate and the IRR bridge deck are used to validate the reliability and applicability of the SSI-COV technique to various wind tunnel tests and conditions of wind flows. The results also show that for the blunt-type IRR bridge deck, the turbulence wind will delay the onset of flutter, compared with the smooth wind.
Flexible roof structures, such as membranes, are sensitive to wind action due to their flexibility and light weight. Previously, the effect of added mass on the vibration frequency of membrane structures has been experimentally tested. However, the effect of added mass on wind-induced vibration remains unclear. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of added mass on the wind-induced vibration of a circular flat membrane based on wind tunnel tests. First, wind tunnel tests were conducted to obtain wind pressure distribution from the rigid model and wind-induced vibration from the aeroelastic model of a circular flat membrane. Secondly, a dynamic finite element analysis for the proposed added mass model was conducted to obtain the wind-induced vibration of the membrane structure. Then, with the wind pressure distribution obtained from the rigid model tests, dynamic analysis was conducted either with or without consideration of the effect of added mass. According to the dynamic analysis results and the wind tunnel test results, it is clear that considering the effect of added mass in dynamic analysis can significantly improve the accuracy of a wind-induced response. Such an effect is more significant at the windward than the central zone. The inclusion of added mass can result in a larger displacement response as wind velocity increases but a smaller response as the prestress level increases.
The serviceability of super-tall buildings depends primarily on the wind-induced structural responses, especially accelerations. To mitigate the discomforting structural vibrations, pendulum-type tuned mass damper (TMD) systems are commonly employed in high-rise buildings. However, for a super-tall building with a considerably low fundamental natural frequency, the suspension length of a pendulum-suspended TMD (PTMD) becomes too long to be feasible as it would occupy substantial building space. For the sake of saving valuable space in a super-tall building, a multistage PTMD system is recommended for vibration control. This paper presents a detailed assessment study on the performance of a multistage PTMD system designed for a 600 m high skyscraper located in a typhoon-prone region in China. Wind tunnel tests are first conducted to determine the wind loads on the building for estimation of structural dynamic responses for the scenarios with and without installation of the multistage PTMD system. Optimal design of the multistage PTMD system is then carried out through examining the mitigation efficiency of the PTMD system for a variety of mass and damping ratios. To restrict the strokes of mass dampers in the PTMD system, two-section damping strategy is proposed. The assessment results demonstrate that the multistage PTMD system with two-section damping can function efficiently to suppress the excessive vibrations of the skyscraper, while occupying a minimal space in vertical and horizontal directions. This paper aims to provide an effective and economic design strategy for vibration control of super-tall buildings under wind excitations.
This paper presents evaluations of coupled two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) galloping oscillations of slender structures with nonlinear effects, involving coupled transverse and rotational motions. The nonlinear governing equations of the coupled motions are derived by developing nonlinear formulations of the quasi-steady aerodynamic forces and damping coefficients. By solving the eigenvalue problem of a perfectly tuned 2DOF system, an analytical expression of the minimal structural damping ratio required to prevent coupled transverse-rotational galloping is established. The influences of various parameters, such as angle of wind attack, structural height, width and aspect ratio, on the onset wind velocity for the occurrence of coupled galloping are then analyzed in detail by numerical simulations. Comparisons of the onset wind velocity of the coupled 2DOF and uncoupled single-degree-of-freedom (1DOF) galloping are presented and discussed. The nonlinear vibration behavior of coupled 2DOF galloping of slender structures under varying wind speeds is also investigated.
Wind-driven rain (WDR) and its interactions with structures is an important research subject in wind engineering. As bridge spans are becoming longer and longer, the effects of WDR on long-span bridges should be well understood. Therefore, this paper presents a comprehensive numerical simulation study of WDR on a full-scale long-span bridge under extreme conditions. A validation study shows that the predictions of WDR on a bridge section model agree with experimental results, validating the applicability of the WDR simulation approach based on the Eulerian multiphase model. Furthermore, a detailed numerical simulation of WDR on a long-span bridge, North Bridge of Xiazhang Cross-sea Bridge is conducted. The simulation results indicate that although the loads induced by raindrops on the bridge surfaces are very small as compared to the wind loads, extreme rain intensity may occur on some windward surfaces of the bridge. The adopted numerical methods and rain loading models are validated to be an effective tool for WDR simulation for bridges and the results presented in this paper provide useful information for the water-erosion proof design of future long-span bridges.
Conductors with sector-shaped ice are susceptible to galloping. To prevent and control galloping, it is necessary to study the conductor aerodynamic characteristics. Wind tunnel tests were performed to study the influence of two shape parameters (ice thickness and ice angle) of a conductor with sector-shaped ice on the aerodynamic characteristics considering the roughness of the surface. In addition, the unstable areas for galloping are discussed according to Den Hartog theory and Nigol theory. The results show that with increasing ice thickness, the aerodynamic coefficient curves fluctuate more strongly, and galloping tends to occur; with increasing ice angle, the unstable area becomes larger according to Nigol theory, and the increasing drag coefficient will suppress the unstable areas according to Den Hartog theory. With the increasing two shape parameters, the most affected ranges of the aerodynamic coefficient curves are 150–180∘.
This paper studies experimentally the nonlinear aeroelastic and flutter behavior of a cantilever plate wing with an external store. The wing model that is constructed from plexiglass sheet is designed and tested in a closed-circuit subsonic wind tunnel. To deal with the structural nonlinearities of the model, various analysis tools such as time history plots, phase-plane projections and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) have been used for detecting the critical and post-critical behaviors of the structure. The results show that flutter takes place by the coupling between the torsional and bending modes. A good correlation between the present experiments and previous numerical results is obtained. The nonlinear aeroelastic response and flutter boundary are investigated for different sweep angles. The flutter velocity and amplitudes of limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) increase rapidly with increasing sweep angle. The nonlinear response of the wing with an external store is also investigated, with the effect of store location on the nonlinear flutter boundary evaluated.
Active winglets, with a manually controlled attitude angle, can take advantage of the self-excited force to suppress the flutter tendency of a bridge girder. Previous studies mostly focused on the effectiveness and robustness under long-term closed-loop control. However, the deck-winglet system’s short-term response, due to the memory effect of the aerodynamic force, is of concern. A bridge sectional model with active winglets was developed to investigate this problem. Experiments with different phase shifts between the members of the winglet pair were carried out in a wind tunnel. We found that the influence residue of an instantaneous change of the control pattern lasted about three pitching cycles, indicating that a large control interval was acceptable for practical applications. A theoretical relationship between the control effect and control phase was derived to explain the results of the open-loop control. The system responses under different control intervals were analyzed by the closed-loop control, demonstrating that a large control interval was acceptable if some time-consuming algorithms are used in a practical bridge’s flutter control operation.
In mountainous areas, more challenges are expected for the construction of long-span bridges. The flutter instability during erection is an outstanding issue due to flexible structural characteristics and strong winds with large angles of attack. Taking the suspension bridge as an example, the flutter stability of the bridge with different suspending sequences was investigated. First, the dynamic characteristics of the bridge during erection were computed by the finite element software ANSYS, along with the effects on flutter stability discussed. Then, different aerodynamic shapes of the bridge girder during erection were considered. The aerodynamic coefficients and the critical flutter state were determined by wind tunnel tests. Based on the above analysis, some structural measures are proposed for improving the flutter stability of the bridge during erection. The results show that the flutter stability of the bridge during erection is related to the suspending sequence and the aerodynamic shape of the girder. Owing to the structural dynamic characteristics, the bridge has better flutter stability when the girder segments are suspended symmetrically from the two towers to the mid-span. Considering the construction requirement that the bridge deck should be laid without intervals, this structural superiority is seriously weakened by the unfavorable aerodynamic shape of the girder. In order to improve the flutter stability of the bridge during erection, an effective way is to adopt some temporary structural strengthening measures.
With the increasing span of suspension bridges, the towers have higher heights and have become more flexible, and so do the nearby suspenders. Not only are the towers easy to be affected by winds, but also the nearby suspenders by the wake flow of the towers. To enhance the structural stiffness, a bridge tower may be designed with more columns, but this design may lead to strong aerodynamic interference among the columns, complicating the wind-induced behaviors of the tower and nearby suspenders. In this paper, wind tunnel tests and numerical simulations were carried out to investigate the vortex-induced vibration of a tall bridge tower with four columns, and the wake effects on nearby suspenders. The results show that the displacement response at the tower top increases with the increasing wind speed. No obvious lock-in region is observed, as different cross-sections of the tower show different vortex shedding characteristics. The vortex shedding characteristics are determined mainly by the aerodynamic forces acting on the leeward columns. In the wake of the tower, the aerodynamic forces of the suspenders have the same dominant frequencies as the shedding frequencies of the vortices from the tower. The frequencies may approach the natural frequencies of the suspenders, causing possible wake-induced vibration that should be avoided for a good design.
In this study, the influences of wind barriers on the aerodynamic characteristics of trains (e.g. a CRH2 train) on a highway-railway one-story bridge were investigated by using wind pressure measurement tests, and a reduction factor of overturning moment coefficients was analyzed for trains under wind barriers. Subsequently, based on a joint simulation employing SIMPACK and ANSYS, a wind–train–track–bridge system coupled vibration model was established, and the safety and comfort indexes of trains on the bridge were studied under different wind barrier parameters. The results show that the mean wind pressures and fluctuating wind pressures on the trains’ surface decrease generally if wind barriers are used. As a result, the dynamic responses of the trains also decrease in the whole process of crossing the bridge. Of particular note, the rate of the wheel load reductions and lateral wheel-axle forces can change from unsafe states to relative safe states due to the wind barriers. The influence of the porosity of the wind barriers on the mean wind pressures and fluctuating wind pressures on the windward sides and near the top corner surfaces of the trains are significantly greater than the influence from the height of the wind barriers. Within a certain range, decreasing the wind barrier porosities and increasing the wind barrier heights will significantly reduce the safety and comfort index values of trains on the bridge. It is found that when the porosity of the wind barrier is 40%, the optimal height of the wind barrier is determined as approximately 3.5m. At this height, the trains on the bridges are safer and run more smoothly and comfortably. Besides, through the dynamic response analysis of the wind–train–track–bridge system, it is found that the installation of wind barriers in cases with high wind speeds (30m/s) may have an adverse effect on the vertical vibration of the train–track–bridge system.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the nonlinear torsional flutter of a long-span suspension bridge with a double-deck truss girder. First, the characteristics of nonlinear flutter are studied using the section model in the wind tunnel test. Different aerodynamic measures, e.g. upper and lower stabilizers and horizontal flaps, are applied to improve the flutter performance of the double-deck truss girder. Then, the full bridge aeroelastic model is tested in the wind tunnel to further examine the flutter performance of the bridge with the optimal truss girder. Finally, three-dimensional (3D) flutter analysis is performed to study the static wind-induced effects on the nonlinear flutter of the long-span suspension bridge. The results show that single-degree-of-freedom torsional limit cycle oscillations occur at large amplitudes for the double-deck truss section at the attack angles of 0∘ and +3∘. The upper and lower stabilizers installed on the upper and lower decks, respectively, and the flaps installed near the bottoms of the sidewalks can all effectively alleviate the torsional flutter responses. Meanwhile, it is found that the torsional flutter responses of the truss girder in the aeroelastic model test are much smaller than those in the section model test. The 3D flutter analysis demonstrates that the large discrepancies between the flutter responses of the two model experiments can be attributed to the additional attack angle caused by the static wind-induced displacements. This finding highlights the importance and necessity of considering the static wind-induced effects in the flutter design of long-span suspension bridges.
This paper aims to systematically study the across-wind loads of rectangular-shaped tall buildings with aerodynamic modifications and propose refined mathematic models accordingly. This study takes the CAARC (Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council) standard tall building as a benchmark model and conducts a series of pressure measurements on the benchmark model and four CAARC models with different round corner rates (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) in a boundary layer wind tunnel to investigate the across-wind dynamic loads of the typical tall building with different corner modifications. Based on the experimental results of the five models, base moment coefficients, power spectral densities and vertical correlation coefficients of the across-wind loads are compared and discussed. The analyzed results shown that the across-wind aerodynamic performance of the tall buildings can be effectively improved as the rounded corner rate increases. Taking the corner round rate and terrain category as two basic variables, empirical formulas for estimating the across-wind dynamic loads of CAARC standard tall buildings with various rounded corners are proposed on the basis of the wind tunnel testing results. The accuracy and applicability of the proposed formulas are verified by comparisons between the empirical formulas and the experimental results.
There are no specific regulations regarding the interference effects that an adjacent building can place on the wind load distribution of a dome roof structure. Furthermore, the influence between an adjacent rectangular-section building and the dome roof structure on the wind-induced interference is not well understood yet. Thus, in this paper, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to simulate the mean wind pressure of the dome roof structure after interference by a rectangular-section building facing the dome. The accuracy of numerical results is verified through a wind tunnel test. The effects of different building heights or widths as well as distances between the interference building and the dome on the interference are analyzed. Different wind directions in intervals of 15∘ are examined in the analysis to identify the worst wind direction. The results reveal that the passage effect caused by the interference is the main reason for the increase of suction on the roof, and the height ratio has the greatest influence on the passage effect. The region of the roof nearest to the interference building experiences the greatest suction considering all wind directions, and the side regions of the roof are relatively safe in most cases. The results of this paper can provide a reference for engineers tasked with wind-resistant design of long-span dome structures.
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