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We have performed a Monte Carlo (MC) study of the classical XY-model on a Sierpiński carpet, which is a planar fractal structure with infinite order of ramification and fractal dimension 1.8928. We employed the Wolff cluster algorithm in our simulations and our results, in particular those for the susceptibility and the helicity modulus, indicate the absence of finite-temperature Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless (BKT) transition in this system.
We investigate local update algorithms for the fully frustrated XY model on a square lattice. In addition to the standard updating procedures like the Metropolis or heat bath algorithm we include overrelaxation sweeps, implemented through single spin updates that preserve the energy of the configuration. The dynamical critical exponent (of order two) stays more or less unchanged. However, the integrated autocorrelation times of the algorithm can be significantly reduced.
We study the effects of low-energy nodal quasiparticles on the classical phase fluctuations in a two-dimensional d-wave superconductor. The singularities of the phase-only action at T→0 are removed in the presence of disorder, which justifies using an extended classical XY-model to describe phase fluctuations at low temperatures.
In this paper we study forward quantum Markov chains (QMC) defined on Cayley tree. A construction of such QMC is provided, namely we construct states on finite volumes with boundary conditions, and define QMC as a weak limit of those states which depends on the boundary conditions. Using the provided construction, we investigate QMC associated with XY-model on a Cayley tree of order two. We prove uniqueness of QMC associated with such a model, this means the QMC does not depend on the boundary conditions.
We study the dynamics of entanglement for the XY-model, one-dimensional spin systems coupled through the nearest neighbor exchange interaction and subject to an external time-dependent magnetic field. Using the two-site density matrix, we calculate the time-dependent entanglement of formation between nearest neighbor qubits. We investigate the effect of varying the temperature, the anisotropy parameter and the external time-dependent magnetic field on the entanglement. We have found that the entanglement can be localized between nearest neighbor qubits for certain values of the external time-dependent magnetic field. Moreover, as known for the magnetization of this model, the entanglement shows nonergodic behavior, it does not approach its equilibrium value at the infinite time limit.