One of the central themes in the research of function rings over topological spaces is build new rings, build new spaces. In this paper, we continue the work of Knox on the ring of density continuous functions, denoted by C(X,ℝd). We infer that C(X,ℝd) is self-injective (ℵ0-self-injective) if the family of zero-sets, denoted by Zd[X] is closed under arbitrary (countable) intersections. We provide a counterexample of the converse statement on self-injectivity, and in that process, we answer a question raised in [H. Azadi, M. Henriksen and E. Momtahan, Some properties of algebra of real valued measurable functions, Acta Math. Hunger124(1–2) (2009) 15–23]. We have established a condition on X for which C(X,ℝd) is Artinian and Noetherian. Unlike C(X), the zero-divisor graph of C(X,ℝd) is seen to be neither triangulated nor hyper-triangulated. We prove that space X is density compact if and only if it is density pseudocompact and density real compact.