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Submission Guidelines

Authors should submit their papers by email (PDF format) to a member of the Editorial Board whose specialty is the closest to the topics studied in their papers. The list of members of the Editorial Board with their respective specialties may be found at In case the subject of the paper does not match with the field of any member of the Board, it is recommended to consider other journals.

Under no circumstances, papers should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief.

Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published, and is not being considered for publication in another journal. For papers with multiple authors, please indicate the name and email address of the corresponding author. Postal and email addresses should be clearly given in the paper. Once a paper has been accepted for publication in CCM, the author is assumed to have transferred the copyright to World Scientific Publishing Company.

When submitting the final version of accepted papers, authors are asked to send also the source files of the papers prepared, if possible, using the format files of the journal. The format files can be downloaded from the web site of World Scientific Publishing Company at the URL

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Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in: Latex2e (readme / Download)

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