Submission of Manuscript
Authors should submit their papers electronically (preferably in .tex format) at:
All contributions should be written in English.
Style Files
To expedite publication, authors are strongly encouraged to typeset their submissions using the LaTeX2e style files provided for DMAA. Any manuscript which does not conform to the instructions may be returned to authors for revision before publication
Every paper should have an abstract of less than 300 words in which the context, content and conclusions of the paper are summarized. Keywords and AMS subject classification should also be given.
Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published, and is not being considered for publication in another journal.
Once a paper has been accepted for publication, the authors are assumed to have the copyright transferred to World Scientific Publishing Company. Visit our Author Rights page to find out about the permissions given to authors to use their PDFs as well as their submitted or accepted preprint articles.
Page Charges and PDF File
There will be no page charge for the journal. The corresponding author of each published paper will receive free pdf file for his/her own noncommercial use only.
References should be listed in alphabetical order of the author's name and cited in the text in Arabic numerals within square brackets. They can be referred to indirectly, e.g. "... in the statement [1]." or used directly, e.g. "see [1] for examples." For journal references, the standard abbreviations for journal names should be used. The format for the list of references is as follows:
They should be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order of appearance. Every table must have a caption, which should be typed above the table.
Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in: