Fertility and Reproduction is a journal, for the publication of original research (both clinical and scientific) and review articles on the entire field of reproductive medicine and surgery, including sub fertility, andrology, embryology, counselling, nursing and psychology in reproductive medicine, fertility preservation, early pregnancy and birth outcomes following fertility treatment, female and male reproductive health, reproductive genetics, male and female contraception, sexual health and ethics and legal aspects of reproductive medicine, transgender medicine, midlife medicine, IVF, medical assisted reproduction, endometriosis, adenomyosis and artificial intelligence. We will also consider case reports if they are judged to be of widespread clinical interest.
We are interested in publishing the results of prospective clinical trials (particularly randomised controlled trials) whether the results are positive or negative. Retrospective comparisons will be assessed by the reviewers, but unless they suggest a new perspective to current practice, are less likely to be accepted for publication.
All submitted articles (included invited ones) are allocated to an Associate Editor (AE) who then appoints reviewers.
Peer review takes place in a double blinded fashion. The AE then makes a recommendation on the basis of the comments of the reviewers: acceptance, minor or major revision, or rejection.
Should the authors disagree with the AE’s decision, they can appeal to the Editor-in-Chief.