The International Game Theory Review (IGTR) was initiated and launched in 1999 as a platform to publish the research in developing solutions and sharing of ideas in game theoretic analysis of strategic decisions for social, economic, political and military affairs. Since its inception, game theory has contributed significantly to the foundations of game theory in complex decision-making. As socio-economic and political problems increase in complexity, further development in methodology, techniques, empirical investigations, and applications of game theory are called for.
IGTR is a refereed quarterly journal published by World Scientific. It emphasizes rigorous analysis and will offer up-to-date insights and perspectives through original research in game theory and its applications. It welcomes game-oriented papers in all types of games from any relevant disciplines of study. IGTR will publish both original articles and state-of-the-art review articles and will seek to maintain a balanced orientation between game-theoretic modelling and practical implications. Theoretical significance as well as empirical relevance are key criteria for acceptance of an article, and IGTR will be accessible to readers from a wide range of disciplines. IGTR will feature: