Call for Papers
The articles can involve theory, algorithm, programming, coding, numerical simulation and/or novel application of computational techniques to problems in engineering, science, and other disciplines related to computations. Examples of fields covered by the journal are:
- Computational mechanics for solids and structures,
- Computational fluid dynamics,
- Computational heat transfer,
- Computational inverse problem,
- Computational mathematics,
- Computational meso/micro/nano mechanics,
- Computational biology,
- Computational penetration mechanics,
- Meshfree methods,
- Particle methods,
- Molecular and Quantum methods,
- Advanced Finite element methods,
- Advanced Finite difference methods,
- Advanced Finite volume methods,
- High-performance computing techniques.
Submission of Manuscript
It is strongly recommended that new manuscripts be submitted to the Publisher electronically. If electronic submission is not possible, the author can submit manuscript by airmail. In the latter case, 3 copies of the manuscript should be sent to the Publisher.
Electronic Submission
Authors can submit a PDF or Word file of their manuscript. We would prefer to have Latex2e, Latex2.09, REVTeX and Postscript files to be uploaded to:
Authors may send their files via email to to the Publisher if the file does not exceed 2MB.
Hard Copy Submissions
Three copies of the original printed paper together with soft copy in floppy disk(s) (PC or Mac) or ZIP disk (PC or Mac) should be sent by mail to:
International Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM)
Editorial Department
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
5 Toh Tuck Link
Singapore 596 224
Hard copy submissions should be accompanied by a covering letter stating the following:
- title of article
- name(s) of author(s)
- type of paper
- the corresponding author's email and fax number
Please see GUIDELINES FOR CONTRIBUTORS for detailed instructions on submission and preparation of manuscripts.