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Submission Guidelines

The International Journal of Financial Engineering (IJFE) accepts submissions for review and possible publication, with the understanding that papers submitted are original work and are not under consideration at any other journal. Only papers which fit the scope of the journal will be considered for publication. Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the copyright of the paper will automatically be transferred to the International Journal of Financial Engineering and the Publisher (World Scientific). Authors will hold the Publisher and the Editor-in-Chief (or Associate editors) harmless against any suit, demand, claim or recovery, finally sustained, by reason of any violation of proprietary right or copyright, or caused by any unlawful matter published in the journal because of the actions of the authors.

Submit your paper electronically through the following link:

There are no submission fees for the journal. The corresponding author of each accepted paper will receive a PDF of the published version free of charge.

Authors are encouraged to run their papers through a pre-submission technical check via before turning their papers in to Editorial Manager to decrease their changes of rejection.

Style Guidelines

Author Information: Authors are to submit 2 versions of their manuscript.

  1. The first version should include the following information on the first page of the manuscript: title, author(s), institutional affiliation(s), address, email address.
  2. The second version should include only the title of the manuscript, and should not contain any identifying information, such as the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s).

Abstract: Please supply a one-paragraph abstract of up to 500 words. This is a precise summary of your entire paper, not just your conclusions, and it must be able to stand alone, separate from the rest of the paper. Please do not include citations to other works in the abstract and avoid the use of abbreviations. It should briefly state the purpose of the research, principal results and major conclusions.

Keywords: Enclose with each manuscript, on a separate page, from three to five keywords.

Typing Format: Double space with a minimum of 11pt fonts. Margins of at least 1in.

Headings and Subheadings: Use no more than three levels of headings. Begin all headings at the left margin and capitalize the first letter of the first word only. Headings should be numbered as, e.g., 1, 1.3, 2.4.5, etc.

Footnotes: Each footnote should appear at the bottom of the page on which it is cited in the text and should be indicated consecutively with superscript Arabic numerals.

Equations: Number consecutively only those equations that are referenced in the text. Indent equations and place numbers in parentheses at the right margin.

References: List references alphabetically by author's last name at the end of the text of the paper. They can be cited in the text as, e.g., "According to Smith and Jones (1995), ..." or "... (Smith and Jones, 1995)".

Style of References:
Imai, J and KS Tan (2006). A general dimension reduction technique for derivative pricing, Journal of Computational Finance, 10(2), 129-155.

Joe, S and FY Kuo (2008). Constructing Sobol' sequences with better two-dimensional projection, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 30(5), 2635-2654.

L'Ecuyer, P and C Lemieux (2002). Recent advances in randomized quasi-Monte Carlo methods, in M Dror, P L'Ecuyer and F Szidarovszki (editors), Modeling Uncertainty: An Examination of Stochastic Theory, Methods, and Applications, pp. 419-474, Kluwer Academic, Boston.

Tables: Type tables on separate pages after the references. Center the word "Table" followed by an Arabic numeral above the body of the table. Separate headings in a table from the title of the table and from the body of the table with solid lines. Verify that the text contains a reference to each table. When referring to a specific table in the text of the paper, use Table 1, Table 2, etc.

Figures: Figures must appear after the tables. Verify that the text contains a reference to each figure. When referring to specific figures in the text, use Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. When labeling figures, capitalize the first letter in the word and number with Arabic numerals (e.g., Figure 1). In figure titles, capitalize the first letter of the first word only. When supplying color figures, ensure that there is sufficient contrast to enable clear black and white printing. No figures will be printed in color.

World Scientific Publishing will only issue an official invoice for the payment of an Article-Processing Charge if you opt for Gold Open Access, and after your paper has been accepted. Before responding to any payment request, we advise you to check on your submission's status at Editorial Manager website, or contact the Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor, to ensure your submission has officially been "Accepted" for publication. Please disregard any payment request if otherwise. When in doubt, contact us at World Scientific (