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Editorial Board in 2004

Managing Editors
I S Duff
Atlas Ctr.
Rutherford Appleton Lab.
Oxon OX11 0QX, UK

E G Ng
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
One Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Y Muraoka
Center for Informatics
Waseda Univ.
3-4-1 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 169, Japan

D P Agrawal (Univ. of Cincinnati)
Arvind (MIT)
O Axelsson (Nijmegen Univ.)
Z Z Bai (Academia Sinica, Beijing)
D H Bailey (NERSC, Lawrence Berkeley Lab.)
J L Barlow (Pennsylvania State Univ.)
R P Brent (Oxford Univ. Computing Lab.)
H Burkhart (Informatik Univ. Basel)
Raymond Chan (Chinese Univ. of Hong Kong)
E Gallopoulos (Univ. of Patras)
S Hammarling (The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd., Oxford)
M Hegland (Australian Nat'l Univ.)
Yifan Hu (Wolfram Res. Inc.)
J M Hyman (Los Alamos Nat'l Lab.)
S L Johnsson (Univ. of Houston)
J G Lewis (Boeing Comp. Services)
H M Liddell (Queen Mary and Westfield College)
K F Loe (Nat'l Univ. of Singapore)
G Meurant (CEA, France)
M Okawa (KEK, Ibaraki)
R H Perrott (Queen's Univ. of Belfast)
B Philippe (INRIA/IRISA)
C Polychronopoulos (Univ. of Illinois)
D A Reed (Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
S Sanyal (TIFR, Bombay)
R S Schreiber (Hewlett-Packard Company)
S Tongsima (Nat. Center for Genetic Engineering & Biotech., Thailand)