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Legible, compact notation should be used so long as it conforms to current practice. Each symbol must be clearly typed and properly aligned to distinguish superscripts and subscripts. Vectors are denoted by bold type. Sections and subsections of a paper are numbered with Arabic numerals, as are tables and figures. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered.
References are numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in the order of first appearance, and are designated by numbered superscripts in the text. They should be listed at the end of the text. The general format preferred is as follows:
Journal paper:
C. Tsallis et al., Phys. Rev. A63 (2001) 042104.
J. Clauser and A. Shimoney, Bell's theorem: Experimental test and implications, Rep. Prog. Phys.14 (1978) 1881-1890.
Authored book:
R. Penrose, Shadows of the Mind (Oxford University Press, 1994).
Edited book:
W. D. Heiss (ed.), Fundamentals of Quantum Information (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002).
Review volume contribution:
A. Ekert and C. Macchiavello, An overview of quantum computing, in Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Theory, eds. C. Macchiavello, G. M. Palma and A. Zeilinger (World Scientific, Singapore, 2000).
Series book contribution:
G. Alber et al., Quantum Information, Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Vol. 173 (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001), pp. 120-134.
Proceedings contribution:
L. Gurvits, in Proc. 35th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, San Diego, CA, 9-11 June (ACM Press, New York, 2003), pp. 10-19.
C. H. Bennett and G. Brassard, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computers, Systems, and Signal Processing, Bangalore, India (1984), pp. 175-179.
J. Olsen, private communication (2005).
R. C. Webb, PhD thesis, Princeton University (1992).
P. J. Lin-Cheug, Construction and characterization of symmetrical states for multi-qubit systems, quant-ph/0301083.
Horodecki, Separability criterion and inseparable mixed states with positive partial transpostion, to appear in Phys. Lett. A.
Footnotes, other than those referring to authors, should be labeled alphabetically and placed at the bottom of the manuscript page (and not listed separately).
Tables and figures are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text.
Figures, embedded in the text, should be black and white (or half-tone) and of a good resolution and sharpness. [Note: Upon acceptance of papers, authors will be requested to supply figures separately. In the case of an MS-Word file, figures should not be embedded (unless Microsoft tools have been used to generate images). Compressed formats, such as JPEG, should not use heavy compression, which introduces undesirable artifacts. Bitmap figures, such as photographs or half-tone images, should be at least 300dpi (TIFF, BMP, or JPEG). Vector (line-art) figures, such as charts and technical drawings, should be 600-1200dpi (EPS, PS, PDF). The native formats of software packages will not be permitted.]
A condensed paper title (for running heads) should also be provided.
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