In addition, the Journal will also be dedicated to developing young researchers and teachers in the entrepreneurship discipline and to provide them with an opportunity to pursue more practical-oriented works. Under these circumstances, there will be a continuing flow of resource persons to serve the need of entrepreneurship research and education.
This Journal welcomes contributions that include:
Research and Conceptual Development Works in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Process; Entrepreneurship Education; Entrepreneurial Skills Development; Environment Support; Entrepreneurial Strategies; Entrepreneurial Vision and Value; Facilitating Corporate Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Creativity.
Works about Enterprising Culture Enterprising Culture; Strategic Venture Development; The Entrepreneurial Approach to Human Resources Development; The Entrepreneurial Venture Challenge: How to Sustain Entrepreneurial Value and Maintain Entrepreneurial Spirit as the Firm Grows; Enterprising Support: People and Money; Enterprising Challenge: From Hands-on to Professional Management; Enterprising Development and the Nature of Risk, Uncertainty and Profit.
Comparative Works in Entrepreneurship Development Entrepreneurial Environment among ASEAN Countries; Comparisons for Entrepreneurship Development Support between and/or among Countries with Similar Cultural Background.
Case Based Works (Can be Conceptualized as Learning Materials) Entrepreneurial Attributes; Role Models; Factors Contributing to Entrepreneurial Success; Success and Failure Factors; The Winning Strategies of Successful Entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship in Practice This section consists of concise, blind-reviewed papers that examine particular issues outside the traditional full-length journal structure. These papers include case studies, country and regional profiles, public policy developments, research notes, practitioner notes and a number of other papers of relevance to researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, educators and policy-makers.