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Aims & Scope

The purpose of the Journal of Enterprising Culture is to publish conceptual, research, and/or case based works that can be of practical value to business persons, educators, students and advocates.

In addition, the Journal will also be dedicated to developing young researchers and teachers in the entrepreneurship discipline and to provide them with an opportunity to pursue more practical-oriented works. Under these circumstances, there will be a continuing flow of resource persons to serve the need of entrepreneurship research and education.

This Journal welcomes contributions that include:

Research and Conceptual Development Works in Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Process; Entrepreneurship Education; Entrepreneurial Skills Development; Environment Support; Entrepreneurial Strategies; Entrepreneurial Vision and Value; Facilitating Corporate Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Creativity.

Works about Enterprising Culture Enterprising Culture; Strategic Venture Development; The Entrepreneurial Approach to Human Resources Development; The Entrepreneurial Venture Challenge: How to Sustain Entrepreneurial Value and Maintain Entrepreneurial Spirit as the Firm Grows; Enterprising Support: People and Money; Enterprising Challenge: From Hands-on to Professional Management; Enterprising Development and the Nature of Risk, Uncertainty and Profit.

Comparative Works in Entrepreneurship Development Entrepreneurial Environment among ASEAN Countries; Comparisons for Entrepreneurship Development Support between and/or among Countries with Similar Cultural Background.

Case Based Works (Can be Conceptualized as Learning Materials) Entrepreneurial Attributes; Role Models; Factors Contributing to Entrepreneurial Success; Success and Failure Factors; The Winning Strategies of Successful Entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship in Practice This section consists of concise, blind-reviewed papers that examine particular issues outside the traditional full-length journal structure. These papers include case studies, country and regional profiles, public policy developments, research notes, practitioner notes and a number of other papers of relevance to researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, educators and policy-makers.