Aims & Scope
This journal publishes original research papers on nonlinear hyperbolic problems and related topics, of mathematical and/or physical interest. Specifically, it invites papers on the theory and numerical analysis of hyperbolic conservation laws and of hyperbolic partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics. The Journal welcomes contributions in:
- Theory of nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, addressing the issues of well-posedness and qualitative behavior of solutions, in one or several space dimensions.
- Hyperbolic differential equations of mathematical physics, such as the Einstein equations of general relativity, Dirac equations, Maxwell equations, relativistic fluid models, etc.
- Lorentzian geometry, particularly global geometric and causal theoretic aspects of spacetimes satisfying the Einstein equations.
- Nonlinear hyperbolic systems arising in continuum physics such as: hyperbolic models of fluid dynamics, mixed models of transonic flows, etc.
- General problems that are dominated (but not exclusively driven) by finite speed phenomena, such as dissipative and dispersive perturbations of hyperbolic systems, and models from statistical mechanics and other probabilistic models relevant to the derivation of fluid dynamical equations.
- Convergence analysis of numerical methods for hyperbolic equations: finite difference schemes, finite volumes schemes, etc.
The Journal aims to provide a forum for the community of researchers who are currently working in the very active area of nonlinear hyperbolic problems, and will also serve as a source of information for the users of such research.
There is no a priori limitation on the length of submitted manuscripts, and even long papers may be published.