Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts of regular issues are submitted
online via
Editorial Manager (EM), a fully web-based submission, peer-review, and tracking system.
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The manuscript, including an abstract of not more than 100 words, references, tables, figures and figure captions, should be typed in English, double-spaced with ample margins around the text.
Legible, compact notation should be used, conforming to current practice. Each symbol must be clear, either typed neatly or written in ink and properly aligned to distinguish superscripts and subscripts. Numerical fractions are preferably put on one line, e.g. 1/2. Section headings are numbered in arabic; so are tables and figures. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered at the top.
Footnotes should be indicated consecutively in the text with superscript lower case letters. References are numbered consecutively using superscript arabic numerals in the order of citation. Footnotes and references should be listed separately at the end of the text material. The preferred format of the references is indicated below:
- N. Bloembergen and P. S. Pershan, Light waves at the boundary of nonlinear media, Phys. Rev. 128 (1962) 606.
- N. Bloembergen, Nonlinear Optics 4th Ed. (World Scientific, Singapore, 2005).
- R. W. Lucky, Communication with urceolate signal, in Palimpsest on Communications, ed. N. C. Baskerville (Pleasantville, New York, 1978) chp. 2,pp. 74–76.
- W. K. Chen, Design considerations of the impedance-matching networks having the elliptic gain response — Proc. 18th Midwest Symp. Circuits and Systems,Montreal, Canada (Aug. 1975), pp. 322–326.
Tables and figures are also numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text. Each table and each figure should occupy a separate page. Original indian-ink drawings or glossy prints are preferred and they should be large enough for reduction to a minimum of 50% of their original size. The final printed size of the figure cannot exceed 5 in. × 7.5 in. At the bottom of each figure the names of the authors, the title of the paper and the figure number should be clearly typed. A list of figure captions should be given on a separate sheet.
Detailed instructions for preparation of manuscripts are available in: Latex2e (readme / Download)
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