Submission of a paper implies that it has not been published, and is not being considered for publication in another journal. Once a paper has been accepted for publication in RMTA, the author is assumed to have transferred the copyright to the publisher. All submitted papers will be acknowledged and refereed.
An acceptable paper should contains a well written non-technical introduction to the subject that the paper seeks to address, and also a summary of the results to be proved in later sections. The introduction should include a detailed background description, and due credit should be assigned in a comprehensive reference section. Papers which focus on applications of random matrix theory should have a clear link to random matrix theory and solve key problems in their respective areas using the tools of random matrix theory.
Re-working on old problems and papers that simply contain a technical discussion without clear innovations will not be considered for publication, unless new innovative and useful methodologies are created. All known results should be named by "propositions" and cited by a clear reference; "theorems" can only be used for creative results of the paper. All submitted papers will be first screened by one of chief editors and then assigned to an associate editor. All editors have right to reject and/or accept papers without sending to referees and all associate editors have a right to recommend rejection and/or acceptance of papers without sending them to referees by their own judgments.
There will be no page charge for the journal. The authors can consult the the Instructions for typesetting the manuscripts using LaTeX for detailed information on the style. Plain LaTeX or AMS-LaTeX are acceptable, but the authors are also encouraged to use the journal's own RMTA style files (click here to download the style files).