Associate Professor, Dr. WU Wei
Assistant Professor, Dr. YU Wenxuan
Adjunct Professor, Goh Nguen Wah
Professor, Dr. HAO Xiaoming
Professor, Dr. LAN Zhiyong
In the new millennium, governments worldwide are experiencing a series of challenges posed by social, economic and technological changes such as globalization, financial crises, global warming, population ageing and Internet and social media. Addressing these “wicked problems” requires a fundamental transformation in public administration from traditional government-centric model to collaborative governance. This transformation provides public administration scholars with unprecedented opportunities in playing a significant role in influencing public policy making, implantation and bring about social changes through their scholarship. This book series is part of the efforts of Nanyang Centre for Public Administration (NCPA) in taking advantage of the expertise of its scholars and collaborators to examine thorny policy and management problems governments are dealing with. Paying special attention to Asia, particularly China and Singapore, the series focuses on cutting-edge public policy and management issues in urban planning and development, public service delivery, public crisis management, public budgeting, public sector performance management, E-government and social media and collaborative governance. Not only does the series aim to contribute to the scholarship in the increasing important discipline in Asia, but also emphasize its social relevance and impacts in and on the quality of public policy making and implementation and most important, people’s quality of life.