As the use of renewable sources of energy – mostly wind and solar - expends, the grid structure that was built around large conventional power plants either burning fossil fuels or nuclear, needs to be modified.
Because renewable energy sources are often located far from where power is needed, new power lines need to be built, sometimes over long distances. Less power needs to be lost over these long lines. Because renewable energy is variable and at least in part unpredictable, electrical energy storage needs to be developed. Equipment needs to be better protected because of power variability.
Superconductivity can be one of the answers to these new challenges. The discovery of new superconductors able to operate at higher temperatures is making this possible. The series on New Applications of Superconductivity is aimed at making available to the scientific and engineering community the results of ongoing research whose aim is precisely to meet the challenges imposed by the unavoidable changes in the electricity grid. This Series will progressively cover the following topics:
While there is an abundant literature on the new superconductors and their applications, particularly in the form of conference proceedings, there is so far no publication that is focused on specific applications as these new Series will be.
Engineers, Faculty members and students will have at their disposal comprehensive volumes where the basic knowledge now available and the latest results on each application will be at their disposable. No previous detailed exposure on superconductivity will be expected from the reader.
Nanoscale Structural High Tc Superconductors
edited by: Xavier Obradors I Berenguer (Institute of Materials Science Barcelona, Spain)
Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage
edited by Osami Tsukamoto (Yokohama National University, Japan)