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There are three stages to outsourcing: The first occurred at the dawn of industrial era in the 19th century, where mass production for consumption by many, became the norm and simple domestic means could not meet such demands. With the cost of labor soaring in developed countries, manufacturing of products started moving to countries like China to take advantage of labor arbitrage in the 1900s. This is the second stage of outsourcing. This book addresses issues and challenges in the third stage of outsourcing whose focus is on movement of services at electronic speed, utilizing the Internet platform.
The book includes short essay questions, multiple choice questions, mini-cases at the end of most chapters and glossary of terms. It can also serve as a good reference book for practitioners.
The following sections are included:
Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) have become accepted practices and strategic choices for many firms among developed and newly industrialized nations. Why? Comparative advantage of countries and companies is the basic driving force for global sourcing. Labor arbitrage is only one of the several benefits offered by global sourcing. Global sourcing does have inherent risks — loss of control being one of the primary risks. What? The global market for ITO took off in the late 1980s. Since the beginning of the new millennium, global market for BPO has also been growing steadily. Even KPO market has taken off in the last five years. Over the years, the functions being outsourced have increased in scope and scale and have climbed the value chain ladder. ITO functions include information system (IS) analysis, IS design, IS development, IS implementation, IS maintenance, and sometimes the management of entire data centers. BPO functions include call centers, accounting, payroll, employee benefits, tax preparation, radiology analysis, films and cartoons production, healthcare including medical tourism and surrogate motherhood. KPO functions include research about company’s industry, business, and market. KPO requires significant amount of domain knowledge about a client company and analytical skills. Where? Outsourcing locations can be onshore, nearshore, offshore, farshore, multi-shore. Each one offers certain advantages and disadvantages. Choosing right shore or right shores requires thorough analysis of all factors in each context. Crowd sourcing is increasingly becoming popular. Cloud sourcing is steadily replacing traditional sourcing. How? Several arrangements are possible for global sourcing. These include insourcing through subsidiaries in host countries, joint ventures, or outsourcing to third parties.
Contracting Global Virtual Teams as part of global IT outsourcing is currently en vogue. As might be expected when virtual team members are from different countries, cultural factors play an important role in the success of outsourcing. However, there have been very few studies that assess the effect of culture on IT outsourcing and virtual teams. This conceptual chapter addresses this oversight by looking at the effect of cultural differences on IT outsourcing and virtual teams’ performance. The applicable literature on outsourcing, virtual teams, and culture is analyzed and a framework of offshore outsourcing success is developed. This framework includes the concept of psychic distance to better understand the phenomenon of virtual teams and outsourcing success. Adding this as a key research component provides a more realistic way of researching global virtual teams. Future directions for research based on the developed framework are also provided. By assessing the cultural differences of virtual teams in IT outsourcing, our research framework will help academics pursue this growing business phenomenon.
This chapter presents an analysis of geographically and disciplinarily scattered academic publications on information technology outsourcing (ITO) in public organizations. It defines the interdisciplinary scope of public ITO research area, confirms the tendencies in the public ITO research that follow the tendencies of the ITO research in general, and discusses the differences in the conceptual approaches of IS and public administration research fields to the public ITO. Consolidation and analysis of diverse findings will benefit both public officials and outsourcing vendors. Highlighting organizational characteristics of public agencies that affect ITO decisions, governance, and outcomes, makes a contribution to ITO research in general. The chapter also suggests directions for future research.
Achieving success in global information technology (IT) sourcing or offshoring projects is a significant, emerging challenge for many organizations. In following the Global Sourcing Life cycle, the ongoing management cycle of the global sourcing relationship is a critical stage for managing the project and successfully achieving the contracted results. Success in this stage requires a significant amount of detailed management, cooperation, and coordination among the client and vendor organizations. This chapter synthesizes key findings from eight dyadic case studies consisting of 56 interviews in total from both client and vendor firms detailing their IT offshoring ongoing management experiences. The case investigations lead to the discovery of 12 disparate and innovative lessons learned emerging from the experiences and challenges involved with global IT offshoring on the part of client and vendor firms. These lessons learned cover a wide assortment of personal (individual), and organizational issues encountered while offshoring. Accordingly, the lessons learned are organized into three main categories: (1) economic, (2) strategic, and (3) relational. The presented lessons learned play a key role in the ongoing management stage of the Global Sourcing Life cycle. The list of lessons learned can suitably guide client and vendor firms in their plans to engage in successful IT offshoring projects in the future.
Information systems (IS) offshoring has become a widespread practice and a strategic sourcing choice for many firms. While much is known about client issues, the vendor perspective is much less investigated. The vendor perspective is equally important as offshore IS vendors need to make important decisions in order to deliver operational and strategic performance and align their resources and processes in order to meet or exceed targeted outcomes. We propose and test a three-level capability–quality–performance (CQP) theoretical framework to understand vendor outcomes and their antecedents. The first level of the framework represents three vendor capabilities: relationship management, contract management, and IT management. The second level has three mediating variables representing process quality: partnership, service, and deliverable quality. The third level has three dependent variables representing vendor outcomes: operational performance, strategic performance, and satisfaction. Based on model testing with 188 vendor firms in India and China, the CQP framework is supported. Vendor capabilities are significant predictors of intermediate quality measures which in turn affect vendor outcomes. These results have implications for both theory development and IS offshore vendor strategic decision making.
Remote Infrastructure Management Services (RIMS) is a fast growing service in IT which has been outsourced to third party service providers by leading global firms. Service providers in this line face huge challenges because they have to ensure agreed upon service levels by monitoring and controlling the client’s infrastructure from an offshore location. This chapter explores the relatively nascent area of RIMS to identify and categorize service provider risks. The three categories of risks that emerged from this analysis are: (i) service delivery risks, (ii) relationship specific risks, and (iii) macroeconomic risks. There is a close relationship between the first two categories of risks and similar categories of risks in application development. However, dimensions of timeline and requirements uncertainty elicit a different set of risks in RIMS. Relationship maturity, nature of client, contract design, and nature of service are contextual factors which influence the degree of risks in RIMS.
Global outsourcing of IT and IT enabled services (ITES) has now become an accepted corporate strategy of a vast majority of firms around the world. The functions being offshored have increased in scope and scale and have climbed the value chain ladder. However, the literature has overwhelmingly focused on client-centric issues to the neglect of vendor concerns. There is a rich tradition of ranking critical issues confronting information systems executives and some studies have even explored critical issues of outsourcing clients. These rankings have significant implications for both researchers and practitioners. Our study focuses on the nascent area of IT outsourcing vendors. We examine the issues from the standpoint of IT outsourcing vendors in India, primary destination for IT offshoring for over two decades. The results suggest that for the Indian vendors, the most critical issues are not related to cultural, language, and time zone differences as suggested in many writings. Rather, the most critical concerns are issues dealing with work arrangements and relationships with the client, and issues related to the client’s organizational readiness for offshoring. Clearly the understanding of such issues is important to the vendors, but also to the clients in order to maintain an effective dyadic relationship.
Relationship management (RM) is a systematic process for coordinating critical business interactions between client and vendor to increase trust and inter-dependence and add value to the engagement. Many cite relationship management as the key for success in a global sourcing engagement. When RM is done well, experience indicates that both the client and the provider benefit: (a) the product or service is high quality; (b) the project stays within or close to budget, time and quality; and (c) the parties are left with a positive experience that can lay the foundation for future work. Successful RM is based on a strong overall organizational strategy for global sourcing. The management and governance plan for a specific engagement plants the seeds for the relationship management. A well-designed, explicit plan for RM is critical. As globalization and diffused networks of people and companies have come together through both formal and informal mechanisms, relationship management challenges have grown beyond the skills of managers (that draw upon traditional education and training models). RM was complex when organizations were coordinating in-house relationships. The complexity of external relationships, corporate cultural differences, geographical and time differences, country cultural differences, legal system differences, have increased the difficulty of RM beyond the experience of most managers. The purpose of this chapter is to describe and discuss the many variations and complex manifestations of RM in the context of global sourcing. RM is positioned on the Strategic Sourcing Life cycle Roadmap: beginning in Phase 5 of Transition and continuing through Phase 6 that focuses on ongoing management and governance. Specific topics covered in this chapter include: (a) defining RM in the context of global sourcing; (b) articulating foundations of RM such as trust, commitment and open, honest communications; and (c) understanding “virtual distance” and how this has an impact on RM in terms of creating a relationship map; and (d) unique aspects of RM when managing multi-country; multi-cultural and, sometimes, multi-provider teams; and creating strategies for RM.
Successful global sourcing requires a thorough understanding of the myriad of issues and challenges that both client and vendor companies have to navigate through. For a parsimonious comprehension of these issues, dividing hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of tasks that have to be executed from the conception of global sourcing as a corporate strategy to sustaining a successful ongoing relationship into few stages goes a long way. Towards this goal, both researchers and practitioners have divided global sourcing into 5–10 stages depending on the level of detail desired. This chapter breaks down global sourcing into seven stages: (i) decision to source; (ii) identifications of functions and prospective vendors; (iii) analysis of vendor proposals and vendor selection; (iv) contract negotiation and finalization; (v) implementation (vi) ongoing management; and (vii) completion and review for future.
This chapter discusses some key themes and issues in relation to IT offshore outsourcing. In particular it provides an analysis of four U.K. based companies undertaking IT offshore outsourcing projects. Each company represents an example of different approaches to outsourcing. These approaches are argued to represent more than just approaches and that they are in fact significantly different business models. The four different models are: (i) direct offshore outsourcing, (ii) third party offshore outsourcing, (iii) joint venture offshore outsourcing, and (iv) wholly owned subsidiary. These approaches highlight the heterogeneous nature of the offshore outsourcing phenomenon. A framework is then proposed based on the literature and the study which provides four important elements and related subfactors of interest and importance. This framework is then used to analyze the cases, highlighting some of the drivers and risk factors of the models for decision making from the customer’s perspective.
Organizations must define the scope of their prospective sourcing initiative in terms of the process or function (e.g., finance and accounting), the sub-process (e.g., accounts receivable), the business units that will participate, and the location or geography of vendor. After having decided the function to outsource, it is critical to choose a country for sourcing — onshore, nearshore, middleshore or farshore. The advantages of onshore are similarity in all country factors except for differences in regulations of individual states or provinces. The benefits of nearshoring are cultural similarities, geographic proximity, and a closer time zone. Middleshoring offers somewhat lower costs, quicker time to market, and cultural proximity. Farshoring (again from the vantage point of U.S. and western Europe) IT and ITES offers the advantages of significant cost arbitrage, acceptable quality standards, and access to the vast resources of a developed, populous marketplace that enables economies of scale. Two other related options to be considered are multi-shoring and right-shoring. Multi-shoring, as the name implies, provides not only a hedge against risk, but also the opportunity to accelerate the development of new processes and products by dividing work among locations. Spreading one’s application portfolio globally avoids excessive dependency on a particular region to deal with the issues of sovereign risk. Force Majeure, natural disasters, sabotage, etc., are all real issues, which require a more nuanced global sourcing strategy. Right-shoring refers to allocating work strategically between locations near, middle, and far: for example, shifting simple customer inquiries to offshore call centers while keeping complex inquiries on the caller’s shore. We recommend proper evaluation of the following factors to select a country or multiple countries in case of multi-shoring: (a) political system; (b) ICT infrastructure; (c) regulatory regime; (d) workforce quality and quantity; (e) judicial and legal system; and (f) language/culture. The next stage should be to drill down to a company within a country. In this second stage to select a company, factors of (a) fit between client needs and potential vendor capabilities; (b) financial/cost considerations; (c) speed/agility of the vendor; and (d) quality considerations — need to be evaluated.
Both outsourcing strategy and choice of vendors have the potential to influence the success of information technology outsourcing (ITO) initiatives. However, the ways in which these factors combine leading to success in outsourcing has not received much attention in prior research. Accordingly, this study explores the patterns of ITO strategy and vendor selection adopted by outsourcing firms having high internal IT capabilities versus those with low internal IT capabilities. Our exploratory analysis on a sample of over 200 firms reveals that maintaining strong internal IT capabilities is a defining factor for outsourcing firms when selecting an appropriate mix of ITO strategies and vendors. These findings have important implications for firms new to ITO and also those that have not realized the full benefits of ITO.
Achieving success in enterprise systems (ES) implementations is challenging. The success rate is not high in view of the sums invested by many organizations in these companywide systems. The literature is charged with reasons for unsuccessful implementations, such as a lack of top management support and insufficient change management. Contrary to this research, empirical data from an ES re-implementation in a Scandinavian high-tech company shows successful implementation despite many problematic shifts in outsourcing partners. Therefore, it is natural to ask: why was the re-implementation of the ES at SCANDI successful despite the major troubles encountered during the project? Building an analysis based on ten Critical Success Factors (CSFs) combined with an investigation into the institutional structures at play, we present several reasons for the successful implementation. The CSF analysis shows an equivocal result: four fulfilled, three partially fulfilled and three not fulfilled. Even the two top CSFs, top management support and change management, are either not fulfilled or only partial fulfilled. However, the institutional analysis provides additional explanations, such as a few heroes acting as glue in a conflicting multi-sourcing environment and resilience towards ES implementations created over many years. Important implications from this study are that one should be critical of CSFs and that the combined analysis can guide both practitioners and researchers to understand and position factors better for success in ES implementations. The chapter covers mainly the implementation phase in the Global Sourcing Life Cycle.
This chapter describes the process known as transition (entry) where sourcing assets and/or knowledge are migrated from the client to the provider. The key topics are (a) description of the transition process; (b) effective execution of transition; (c) controls needed during the transition period; and (d) do’s and don’ts related to transition. Sourcing assets can be: people, processes, hardware, software, or licenses. Where no physical assets change hands, such as in a staff augmentation engagement, the primary work of the transition period may be transferring knowledge and providing education and training. The Strategic Sourcing Life cycle identifies transition process that includes the execution of a phased plan, broken down by asset category to be transitioned to the provider. In addition to the transfer of assets (ranging from knowledge to technology to human resources to other physical assets), in many cases, this may be the first time the client organization will have a significant, project-related interaction with the provider. The transition process provides an opportunity to witness the effectiveness of the provider and the working relationship between the client and provider teams. This is a critical opportunity for both the client sourcing team and the provider to execute effectively and to ensure the process is clearly communicated, that any staff to be transferred as part of the engagement is properly integrated into the provider’s organization and that transferred processes are well documented. As far as sourcing engagement exit is concerned, its planning starts early on in the sourcing life cycle. A plan for exit is more than ending a contract but rather evaluating positioning options that benefit the company. The sourcing contract needs to define these options in legal terms in the context of company’s functional management needs to prepare operational plans to implement the options identified. There can be one or several reasons for exiting and for each reason, the contract should provide for as to when they are triggered and how they are executed. The key topics covered regarding exit strategy in this chapter are: (a) what makes up a sourcing engagement exit; (b) when to plan for the exit of the sourcing engagement; (c) the costs associated with an exit; (d) benchmarking as a tool to support an exit strategy; (e) alternatives for an exit strategy; (f) termination and transition costs; and (g) exit planning lessons learned.
There are a large number of compelling reasons for companies to collaborate with offshore teams in systems development projects — access to expertise, a 24-hour work cycle, and more efficient utilization of company resources, to name a few. There are, however, many obstacles that affect the coordination of such collaboration that can often lead to frustration, mistakes, and consequently, project delays. Such problems can occur, even when the team works in an offshore branch of the same company and shares a common corporate culture. This chapter presents the case of two teams working on an System Application products (SAP) project in a global corporation named Renjosoft. Significant communication and coordination challenges plagued the project and a set of mechanisms were put into place to ensure smoother project management in the future. Using the transorganizational development model (TOD), the chapter analyses the management of Renjosoft’s project and makes recommendations of best practices for working on collaborative projects across borders.
Understanding and addressing risks are fundamental to partnership success in offshore IT outsourcing. This chapter develops and demonstrates a fuzzy risk assessment framework to effectively assess risk for a client as well as a service provider prior to entering into a formal contract. The sources of risk in IT outsourcing were extracted based on industry survey and prior research. A fuzzy inference engine which embeds human expert knowledge expressed through natural language gives a superior capability to this approach. The case of offshore software development simulated using the fuzzy framework showed that this method could capture imprecise perceptions about risk factors and quantify them effectively. It also showed that human knowledge embedded as intelligence could effectively map and quantify sources of risk into different categories. This assessment could enable objective comparison of different projects and informed design of contracts and thus lead to partnership success in outsourcing.
Decision makers often rationalize offshore outsourcing by comparing hourly rates for domestic and offshore workers. This approach is dangerous because it assumes domestic and offshore workers are equivalent “factors of production.” Once engaged in offshore outsourcing, senior executives are often disappointed. Many complain that offshore suppliers do not understand their business, deliver late, and produce poor quality work. In reality, the problems are not caused primarily by the supplier — they are primarily caused by the client’s naïve focus on only costs and failure to invest properly in the relationship. Social capital is simply the idea that knowledge and resources are exchanged, work gets done, and value is created through social relationships. Practitioners should invest the right amount of social capital to ensure that they get best overall value from offshore outsourcing. Among the 24 U.S. client firms studied, U.S. Manufacturing leveraged social capital the best. Its social capital investment yielded the most strategic results from offshore outsourcing. U.S. manufacturing’s suppliers helped to build innovative products faster and cheaper than in-house provision alone. However, before achieving a strategic advantage with offshore outsourcing, U.S. manufacturing failed in its initial offshore initiatives because managers only focused on costs and ignored the social dimensions of outsourcing. After diagnosing the causes of its initial failures, U.S. manufacturing remedied the supplier relationships by investing the right amount of social capital.
The following sections are included:
"I found this book to be very relevant and practical for current or potential managers of global sourcing embedded within client or vendor companies. The models and frameworks facilitated holistic learning and the minicases were great for providing practical insights."
"This book offers an analysis of a truly impressive array of topics that are related to outsourcing. Any student or scholar interested in outsourcing will find the logical organization and theoretical models outlined in the book helpful. Any member of the public who is optimistic or pessimistic about the impact of outsourcing on the world economy, sociology, and politics would find this book highly enlightening. Any company that is engaged or contemplating to engage in outsourcing will benefit from the insights that this exciting book offers."
"This book is immensely useful for global sourcing professionals across industries. It provides an easy to understand approach and a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of sourcing strategies through simplified frameworks and well researched cases."
"As an MIS educator, we are responsible for engaging our students on the topics that sit at the intersection of information systems and global sourcing. Today's agile enterprises utilize sophisticated logistics and supply chain analytics technologies to deliver global supply chain systems for all aspects of business. This book fills a void for students, technologists, strategists and educators alike to explore global sourcing issues with depth- the book is interesting and wide-ranging in scope."
"The book offers an analysis of the key issues in global outsourcing and offshoring, and practical frameworks that serve as a tool kit not only for students, but also for managers. The sourcing models available for client firms are talked about in great details. The mini-cases at the end of chapters beautifully puts the chapter contents into practitioner perspective. Overall, it's a fascinating book to master key concepts of global outsourcing."
"I found the book from Palvia & Palvia to be very useful, comprehensive and timely, as we see more and more services and products move at electronic speed and over the Internet. The case studies are quite clear and concise and the glossary of terms is especially useful. Both practitioners and academicians can find useful insights in the book."
"From KMG's vantage point as a provider of services for banking/financial and healthcare industry for over 25 years, this book is very useful for current or potential managers of global sourcing vendors. The mini-cases provide substantial practical insights to put theoretical concepts into action. Students who study this book will find it useful when they enter the real world of commerce in their first job."
"This title features an integrated, up-to-date coverage of current topics and industry trends in global sourcing and offshoring. The authors, both renowned experts in this field, have masterfully treated an exceedingly complex topic to make it accessible to readers at all levels. This is perhaps the first book of its kind, with a focus on the concepts of sourcing of services as applied to practical business situations. The book is interspersed with real-world examples illustrating the critical issues in outsourcing and offshoring. Whether you are a student, a serious researcher, or a practitioner of global sourcing operations, the book is a must-read."
"This book deals with one of the key ingredients responsible for the phenomenal success of Silicon Valley and almost 100% of technology companies we and all other Venture firms invest in. Without outsourcing of software development and other IT services, the internet revolution simply would not have happened with speed and cost that was essential to make hundreds of products available to billions of people around the world. I personally cannot even imagine how Silicon Valley companies could survive without their ability to outsource critical services to other countries. I would personally encourage every CEO of our companies to read this book to explore additional ideas and resources detailed in the book and continue to optimize the speed and cost of development for ongoing operations of the companies to stay competitive. Great Job done by authors! Congratulations for the comprehensive work presented in the book."
"This book gives you a very practical introduction to outsourcing with many 'real life' examples that explain the theoretical foundation. Hence you will earn a deeper understanding of how to manage outsourcing without ever feeling overrun at any point. Overall chapters can be very helpful when it comes down to get to work with the implementation of various types of outsourcing in your company. If your company is thinking about implementing or expanding outsourcing, then this book is the place to start your research on this topic."
"The book is written simply yet covers all the aspects of the subject matter giving the reader an easily comprehensible 360 degree view on global sourcing of services. Short cases lend the practical credibility to the theoretical frameworks."
"Global Sourcing of Services is a clear and comprehensive introduction to global sourcing issues in the digital world of the 21st century. The wealth of empirical data and case studies will be beneficial for both researchers and students. The material is highly appropriate for a graduate level business class or an upper-level undergraduate class."
"I found the book very useful in understanding the nuances of global sourcing of services, which is of prime importance in today's highly globalized world. The mix of theory and case studies makes for a very involved learning. Highly recommend read for anyone even remotely associated with doing business today."
"An extraordinary book that presents really useful cases and relevant information related to the ever complex and evolving global sourcing industry. As an entrepreneur of an international service firm, I definitely recommend having it close to you as a reference book."
"I thoroughly enjoyed reading some of the chapters of your book Global Sourcing: Strategies, Issues and Challenges. I found the book to be comprehensive and easy to understand. It will serve as a very valuable tool for current or potential managers of global sourcing in client and vendor companies alike. The practical insights into various aspects of global sourcing in the book will be of tremendous help to the readers. Congratulations on a well written book and Best Wishes."
"I found this book to be very helpful in planning my strategy to source technology services overseas. The mini-cases really brought to life the day to day challenges I would face executing this strategy."
"This book is an excellent read for the people with IT and non-IT background. It is especially suited for the executives of companies who are exploring IT outsourcing as a strategic option. Book is easy to understand, and content logically organized. It covers all aspects of IT outsourcing and must read for all the folks associated with Global Sourcing industry."
"The book describes the process of Global Sourcing in detail with the precise focus on critical factors impacting Outsourcing business. The elaborated account of factors to be considered while selecting vendors and further elaboration on Relationship Management is a boon for any client company in their Vendor selection process."
About the Editors
Shailendra Palvia is a Professor of MIS in the College of Management at Long Island University Post. Dr Palvia received the prestigious Fulbright–Nehru Senior Scholar Fellowship award for the year 2016–17. He received his PhD and MBA from the University of Minnesota, and BS in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi. His research interests include management of the systems development process; human, social, and global issues of IT; IT applications and architecture; telecommuting; computer software training methods; electronic commerce; smart sourcing of services; e-government; and online education. He has published over 150 refereed articles in journals, conference proceedings and books. Journals in which he has published include Decision Sciences, CACM, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, Journal of Systems Management, International Journal of Information Management, Electronic Markets, Information Resource Management Journal, Journal of Industrial Management and Data Systems, Journal of Global Information Management, and Journal of Information Systems Education. He was the founding editor during 1999–2007 and is current editor since 2014 of the Journal of IT Case and Application Research (JITCAR). From 2002 to 2013, he has chaired the annual international smart-sourcing conferences. He has been an invited speaker to conferences and institutions in Germany, India, Italy, Singapore, Thailand, and Russia.
Prashant Palvia is Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor in the Bryan School of Business & Economics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, US Dr Palvia received his PhD, MBA, and MS from the University of Minnesota and BS from the University of Delhi, India. He has worked extensively in the field of Global Information Technology Management (GITM) and chaired the annual GITMA world conference from 2000 to 2014. Professor Palvia is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Global Information Technology Management, Associate Editor for Information & Management and is on the editorial board of several journals. His research interests include global information technology management, healthcare IT, virtual teams, electronic commerce, media choice theory, and trust in exchange relationships. He has published 108 journal articles in such outlets as the MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences, Communications of the ACM, Communications of the AIS, Information & Management, Decision Support Systems, and ACM Transactions on Database Systems, and 213 conference articles. He has co-edited four books on Global Information Technology Management. Recently, he formed an international research team and launched the "World IT Project," which looks at important IT issues in over 40 countries across the world.
About the Contributors
Anil Gurung is an Associate Professor in the Division of Management, Marketing and MIS at Marshall University's College of Business. Previously he served in the faculty at Kansas State University and Neumann University. He received his PhD in Business Administration with Major in Information Systems and Minor in Operations Management from the University of Texas at Arlington and MBA from Missouri State University. Current research interests are in the areas of information security and privacy, e-commerce, and cultural and social aspects of business computing. His research has been published or forthcoming in various journals such as Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM), International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management (IJISCM), Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC), International Journal of web-based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT), Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS), Information Management and Computer Security (IMCS), Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), and Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (JOCEC).
Edmund Prater is Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, The University of Texas at Arlington. His research interests include international agility as regards the supply chain function, small and medium sized firms, international business, and medical systems. His work has been published or accepted in journals such as The Journal of Operations Management, The International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Communications of the ACM, The International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Medical Group Management, The International Journal of Health Systems and informatics and Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education. My work experience includes being a Senior Manager in BellSouth's Technology Assessment Group and having co-founded an import/ export firm in Russia. He has received research grants from the French Government and teaching awards from UTA, Georgia Tech and the US Air Force.
Sonia Gantman is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Providence College, RI. She earned her PhD degree in Information Systems from Bentley University in 2012. Dr Gantman's research interests include various aspects of implementation and use of complex information systems, in particular — knowledge management, communication and control in complex IT projects and in complex organizational settings; technology adoption; IS alignment with business processes; technology related gender issues. Dr Gantman has published journal articles in Communications of AIS, Information Polity, and the Journal of Global Information Technology Management. She has also presented her research at multiple national and international conferences.
Peter Haried is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at the College of Business Administration, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. He received his PhD in Management Science with a concentration in Management Information Systems (IS) from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His research focuses on: IS offshoring, IS project management, health information systems and e-commerce continuance. He has published over 30 papers in international conferences and journals. Some of his recent publications can be found in: Journal of Computer Information Systems, Project Management Journal, Journal of Information Technology Cases and Application Research, Journal of International Technology and Information Management, International Journal of Information Technology Project Management, International Journal of Information Systems and Social Change, International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal, and Business and Professional Ethics Journal.
K Ramamurthy is a professor of management information systems (MIS) and Roger L Fitzsimonds Distinguished Scholar at the Sheldon B Lubar School of Business University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He received a PhD in business with an MIS concentration from the University of Pittsburgh. He also has 20 years of industry experience, holding several senior technical and executive positions. His current research interests include e-commerce with inter-organizational systems/electronic data interchange and the Internet; IT outsourcing; data resource management and data warehousing; IT business value; decision and knowledge systems for individuals and groups; adoption, assimilation, and diffusion of modern IT; and total quality management, including software quality. He has published over 50 research articles in major scholarly journals, including MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Decision Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Information Systems, Information & Management, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Human–Computer Studies, Journal of International Marketing, OMEGA, INFOR, Journal of Information Technology Cases and Application Research, and over 30 articles in refereed scholarly conference proceedings. He served as an associate editor of MIS Quarterly for four years. He is a charter member of the Association for Information Systems.
Saji K Mathew is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. His PhD research and subsequent academic work focus on the role of Information Technology in Business and Management. As a Fulbright Scholar, he did his postdoctoral research on risk mitigation in offshore IT outsourcing at the Goizueta Business School of Emory University, Atlanta (US). His present research interests cover strategies in offshore IT outsourcing, issues in IT infrastructure management services, information privacy and data mining. His articles have been published in reputed international journals. He has about 10 years of work experience in the area of industrial automation in the Indian industry covering private and public sector companies. He has provided industrial training and consulting for companies such as Exxon Mobile, Genpact, HP Globalsoft, Oracle India, Primus Retail, L&T, and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited in addition to sponsored research projects for Nissan, Hand in Hand, Infosys and DSIR. He teaches courses such as Management Information Systems, Data Warehousing and Data Mining, IT Services & Outsourcing, Information Systems Development and Research in IT and Organizations.
Madhuchhanda Das Aundhe did her PhD in Management from the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB). Her area of specialization is Information Systems. She worked in the Indian Process and IT industries before taking up research and teaching. She has been doing research related to IT and IT enabled Services, and has handled courses for postgraduate programs and executive management programs. As a Fulbright Senior Research Fellow she worked in the area of Relationship Management in Outsourcing Engagements at Louisiana State University (LSU), US Her other areas of academic interest are e-Governance, Software Engineering, and Business Process Modeling.
Christine V Bullen is a retired Professor of Stevens Institute of Technology, where she was also the director of the major in IT Outsourcing in the MSIS and MBA programs. She is also the co-founder of the Global Sourcing Council, a non-profit volunteer organization that is focused on socially responsible sourcing through sponsored forums and white papers. She earned her PhD from Stevens Institute of Technology and her MS from MIT, where she served as the Assistant Director of the MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR) for 17 years. Dr Bullen has co-authored and contributed to eight books in the areas of impact of outsourcing on IT Workforce, computer-supported cooperative work, electronic communications, critical success factors — in journals like CAIS, MIS Quarterly, IBM Systems Journal, Harvard Business Review, Aurebach Publications, and MIT CISR working papers.
Richard LeFave founded D and L Partners, LLC in 2008 that is focused on information strategy and execution. He works on IT delivery strategies, provides insight into large scale IT merger strategies, global outsourcing, CIO advisement, synergy attainment and IT organizational effectiveness/business alignment. He is actively involved with Board level IT advisory and international IT CIO engagements in global outsourcing and IT ERP optimization. Current engagements included providing IT strategy to a major telecommunications firm including global sourcing selection, business ERP transformation and organizational alignment, due diligence in support of a major merger/acquisition and CIO/CTO support to a high tech internet company. Publications by LeFave include a fictional book available on Amazon.com "An IT Tale — A Program Manager's Journey" and jointly authored a best practices book also available on Amazon.com "Implementing Strategic Sourcing". LeFave received a BS from Boston University, a MBA from The University of Puget Sound in Seattle and a MS in Systems Management from the University of Southern California. He also completed the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program and is a veteran of the US Army.
Selig is the Dean for Industry Outreach and Director of the Technology Management Graduate Degree Programs in the Graduate Studies and Research Division and the School of Engineering at the University of Bridgeport. He also manages the CTech IncUBator at UB in partnership with Connecticut Innovations. He earned degrees from City, Columbia, and Pace Universities in Economics, Engineering, and Business. Dr Selig has thirty plus years of diversified domestic/ international executive, management and consulting experience with both Fortune 500, smaller organizations in multiple industries and startups. He has authored 6 books and over 70 journal articles and conference papers. He is a dynamic and popular speaker.
Naureen Khan is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Business and Economics, Department of Management, North South University, Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh. She has completed her MSc in Information Systems from Brunel University, UK. Her research interests include Governance, offshore outsourcing business models and strategic planning in Information Systems.
Guy Fitzgerald is a Professor of Information Systems at the School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, UK. Guy Fitzgerald was previously at Brunel University and prior to that at Aston, Warwick, London, and Oxford. He has also worked in the computing industry as a programmer, analyst and consultant. He is the author (with David Avison) of an influential text book on systems development and is the founding editor of the Information Systems Journal (ISJ). Guy's research interests are mainly related to the successful development of information systems and the approaches and methods involved, including agile. He has also published in the areas of executive information systems, strategic planning, outsourcing, and eParticipation.
Dev K Dutta is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship at the Peter T Paul college of Business and Economics at University of New Hampshire. He brings with him about fifteen years of professional experience as a strategist and about 10 years of academic experience in strategy and entrepreneurship research. His research has been published in the Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, International Entrepreneurship & Management Journal, Production and Operations Management, Journal of International Management, and the Journal of Global Information Technology Management, amongst others. He has also widely presented his research at many national and international conferences such as the annual meetings of the Strategic Management Society, Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, and the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference.
Kholekile L Gwebu is an Associate Professor of Decision Sciences at the Peter T Paul College of Business and Economics at the University of New Hampshire. His research interests are in e-commerce, opensource software and IT Outsourcing. His papers have appeared in journals such as Decision Support Systems, Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Systems and Software, Information Society, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, and Journal of Electronic Commerce Research.
Jing Wang is an Assistant Professor of Decision Sciences at the Peter T Paul College of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire. Her research focuses on the areas of IT Outsourcing, open source software, and agent-based decision support systems. Her work has been published in the Decision Support Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application and Journal of Systems and Software.
Per Svejvig is an Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration, Aarhus University, Denmark. His research interests are in the area of implementation and use of enterprise systems, managing IT-enabled change, interplay between technology and organizations, and project management. He has among others published in Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research; and International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems. He holds a PhD in Enterprise Systems from Aarhus University. He has more than 25 years of business experience as a manager, project manager and consultant. He is a Certified Senior Project Manager (IPMA level B).
Madhu T Rao is an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the Albers School of Business and Economics at Seattle University. Dr Rao is an expert in areas of global IT management and the control and coordination of dispersed teams. His research has been published in widely-used textbooks as well as in respected academic journals. Dr Rao has served as an expert commentator for both the Seattle Times as well as public television in areas relating to global offshoring. Dr Rao has a PhD in Management Information Systems with a minor in International Business from Indiana University, Bloomington. Before joining Seattle University, he was on the faculty at American University in Washington DC as well as Salisbury University in Maryland. Prior to becoming an academician, Dr Rao was a systems analyst for Tata Consultancy Services in New Delhi, India.
Gloria Sánchez is a Sr. Product Marketing Manager at Microsoft. Ms. Sánchez manages the competitive marketing community efforts for the Cloud & Enterprise business. Prior to joining Microsoft, she ran a small gourmet business in Mexico acquiring large corporate customers such as Walmart. She also worked at Gallup Mexico overseeing the execution of market research studies for several Fortune 500 companies. Ms. Sánchez has a BA from Instituto Tecnol ógico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and a MBA from Seattle University.
Joseph Rottman is Chair, Global Leadership and Management, Director of the International Business Institute, an Associate Professor of Information Systems and a Research Fellow in the Center for International Studies at the University of Missouri — St. Louis. He has conducted case studies in over 40 firms and has been engaged by Fortune 500 firms to analyze their offshore strategies. His recent book, Emerging ITO and BPO Markets (with Mary C Lacity and Erran Carmel) explores two niche sourcing markets: rural and impact sourcing. His publications have appeared in Sloan Management Review, MIS Quarterly Executive, Information Systems Frontiers, Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal, IEEE Computer, the Journal of Information Technology, the American Review of Public Administration and Information and Management and leading practitioner outlets such as CIO Insight and the Cutter Consortium.
Mary Lacity is Curators' Professor of Information Systems and an International Business Fellow at the University of Missouri, St. Louis. She is also Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics, a Certified Outsourcing Professional®, Industry Advisor for the Outsourcing Angels and the Everest Group, Co-editor of the Palgrave Series: Work, Technology, and Globalization, and on the Editorial Boards for Journal of Information Technology, MIS Quarterly Executive, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, and Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal. She has given executive seminars world-wide and has served as an expert witness for the US Congress. She was inducted into the IAOP's Outsourcing Hall of Fame in 2014, one of only three academics to ever be inducted. She has published 20 books, most recently Nine Keys to World-class Business Process Outsourcing (Bloomsbury Publishing, London, 2015; co-author Leslie Willcocks).