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Practical Guide to Project-Based Learning cover
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Project-based and industry-linked learning are increasingly pursued in undergraduate studies at the university as well as at the polytechnics, 'A' levels and the international baccalaureate programmes. These courses are usually structured as part of the Final Year Projects. Their applied nature is also motivated by the increasing emphasis on collaborations between the academia and the industry.

This book shall serve as a text and a practical reference for students, lecturers and industry supervisors to design, structure and supervise their projects so that they will serve the desired curricular objectives as well as the needs of the industry collaborators. In essence, it will guide students to write their final year dissertations. A key feature of this book is its practical orientation. It contains a lot of examples. It is structured in a series of questions and answers which mimics the thought process of a student working on his/her final year project dissertation.

Specifically, the book has also included some contemporary topics such as design thinking and pecha kucha presentations which would be of particular interest to instructors and students.

Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (99 KB)

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  • Curricular Objectives of 'Project Work'
  • Structure of the Report/Dissertation/Thesis
  • Techniques in Reference Sourcing and Styles of Academic Writing
  • Selection of Methodology
  • Assessment
  • Project Management
  • Ethics Declaration

Readership: Students in undergraduate studies and polytechnics, as well as 'A' level and the International Baccalaureate, working on their projects dissertations; their lecturers and industry supervisors.