Remote sensing is a fast-growing field with many important applications as demonstrated in the numerous scientific missions of the Earth Observation System (EOS) worldwide. Given the inter-disciplinary nature of remote sensing technologies, the fulfillment of these scientific goals calls for, among other things, a fundamental understanding of the complex interaction between electromagnetic waves and the targets of interest.
Using a systematic treatment, Electromagnetic Scattering: A Remote Sensing Perspective presents some of the recently advanced methods in electromagnetic scattering, as well as updates on the current progress on several important aspects of such an interaction. The book covers topics including scattering from random rough surfaces of both terranean and oceanic natures, scattering from typical man-made targets or important canonical constituents of natural scenes, such as a dielectric finite cylinder or dielectric thin disk, the characterization of a natural scene as a whole represented as a random medium, and the extraction of target features with a polarimetric radar.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Modeling of Bistatic Scattering From Rough Surfaces — An Advanced Integral Equation Model (2,763 KB)
- Modeling of Bistatic Scattering from Rough Surfaces — An Advanced Integral Equation Model (Kun-Shan Chen)
- Investigation on the Composite Scattering and Doppler Spectra of a Moving Ship at Time-Evolving Sea Surface (Min Zhang, Ye Zhao, and Jin-Xing Li)
- Study on Scattering Problems about Rough Surfaces with FEM/BIM (Lixin Guo and Runwen Xu)
- Volume Integral Equation Solvers for Electromagnetic Scattering by Penetrable Objects (Mei Song Tong)
- Numerical Modeling of Scattering by Multiple Bodies of Revolution (Jun Hu, Yu-Ke Li, Xi Rui and Qinghuo Liu)
- Analytical Formulations of Scattering by Finite Circular Cylinder and Thin Dielectric Circular Disk (Il-Suek Koh)
- VPM: An Extended T-matrix Method for the Analysis of Scattering from Dielectric Cylinders with Finite Length (Yang Du, Wenzhe Yan, Chao Yang and J C Shi)
- Electromagnetic Wave Scattering in Dense Media: Applications in the Remote Sensing of Sea Ice and Vegetation (Jun Yi, Koay Yu Jen Lee, Hong Tat Ewe, and Hean Teik Chuah)
- Target Feature Extraction with Polarimetric Radar (Junjun Yin and Jian Yang)
Readership: Theorists, system designers, engineers and other practitioners dealing with electromagnatic scattering, surface scattering, and volume scattering.
Yang DU is a full Professor and Deputy Director at the Innovative Institute of Electromagnetic Information and Electronic Integration, Department of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, China. He graduated from Tsinghua University, China in 1991, and holds a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering (University of Michigan, USA, 2003), a Master in Mathematics (University of Michigan, USA, 2001) and a Master in Electrical Engineering (University of Massachusetts, USA, 1997). Dr Du is a member of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society's "Modeling in Remote Sensing" Technical Committee, an Associate Editor of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, and an Associate Editor for the IEEE GRSS Remote Sensing Code Library. He has also served as a TPC member, Chair/Co-Chair of IGARSS, PIERS, APSAR, ISMOT and many other international conferences. His past experience includes being a research scholar with the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University, USA (2012); and a visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Electronics Research Laboratory, USA (2007). His research interests are electromagnetic and electromagnetic waves, remote sensing theory and technology, and wireless communication.