This book offers to the reader a self-contained treatment and systematic exposition of the real-valued theory of a nonabsolute integral on measure spaces. It is an introductory textbook to Henstock–Kurzweil type integrals defined on abstract spaces. It contains both classical and original results that are accessible to a large class of readers.
It is widely acknowledged that the biggest difficulty in defining a Henstock–Kurzweil integral beyond Euclidean spaces is the definition of a set of measurable sets which will play the role of "intervals" in the abstract setting. In this book the author shows a creative and innovative way of defining "intervals" in measure spaces, and prove many interesting and important results including the well-known Radon–Nikodým theorem.
Sample Chapter(s)
Foreword (118 KB)
Chapter 1: A Nonabsolute Integration on Measure Spaces (266 KB)
- A Nonabsolute Integral on Measure Spaces:
- Preliminaries
- Existence of a Division and the H-Integral
- Simple Properties of the H-Integral
- The Absolute H-Integral and the McShane-Type Integrals:
- The Absolute H-Integral and the M-Integral
- The H-Integral and the Lebesgue Integral
- The Davies Inetgral and the Davies-McShane Integral
- Further Results of the H-Integral:
- A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for H-Integrability
- Generalised Absolute Continuity and Equiintegrability
- The Controlled Convergence Theorem
- The Radon–Nikodým Theorem for the H-integral:
- The Main Theorem
- Descriptive Definition of H-integral
- Henstock Integration in the Euclidean Space
- Harnack Extension and Convergence Theorems for the H-Integral:
- The H-Integral on Metric Spaces
- Harnack Extension for the H-Integral
- The Category Argument
- An Improved Version of the Controlled Convergence Theorem
Readership: Graduate students and researchers interested in analysis.