"Overall, the book provides an interesting and useful synthesis of the authors’ research on the predictions of stock market crashes. The book can be recommended to anyone interested in the Bond Stock Earnings Yield Differential model, and similar methods to predict crashes."
Quantitative Finance
This book presents studies of stock market crashes big and small that occur from bubbles bursting or other reasons. By a bubble we mean that prices are rising just because they are rising and that prices exceed fundamental values. A bubble can be a large rise in prices followed by a steep fall. The focus is on determining if a bubble actually exists, on models to predict stock market declines in bubble-like markets and exit strategies from these bubble-like markets. We list historical great bubbles of various markets over hundreds of years.
We present four models that have been successful in predicting large stock market declines of ten percent plus that average about minus twenty-five percent. The bond stock earnings yield difference model was based on the 1987 US crash where the S&P 500 futures fell 29% in one day. The model is based on earnings yields relative to interest rates. When interest rates become too high relative to earnings, there almost always is a decline in four to twelve months. The initial out of sample test was on the Japanese stock market from 1948-88. There all twelve danger signals produced correct decline signals. But there were eight other ten percent plus declines that occurred for other reasons. Then the model called the 1990 Japan huge -56% decline. We show various later applications of the model to US stock declines such as in 2000 and 2007 and to the Chinese stock market. We also compare the model with high price earnings decline predictions over a sixty year period in the US. We show that over twenty year periods that have high returns they all start with low price earnings ratios and end with high ratios. High price earnings models have predictive value and the BSEYD models predict even better. Other large decline prediction models are call option prices exceeding put prices, Warren Buffett's value of the stock market to the value of the economy adjusted using BSEYD ideas and the value of Sotheby's stock. Investors expect more declines than actually occur. We present research on the positive effects of FOMC meetings and small cap dominance with Democratic Presidents. Marty Zweig was a wall street legend while he was alive. We discuss his methods for stock market predictability using momentum and FED actions. These helped him become the leading analyst and we show that his ideas still give useful predictions in 2016-2017. We study small declines in the five to fifteen percent range that are either not expected or are expected but when is not clear. For these we present methods to deal with these situations.
The last four January-February 2016, Brexit, Trump and French elections are analzyed using simple volatility-S&P 500 graphs. Another very important issue is can you exit bubble-like markets at favorable prices. We use a stopping rule model that gives very good exit results. This is applied successfully to Apple computer stock in 2012, the Nasdaq 100 in 2000, the Japanese stock and golf course membership prices, the US stock market in 1929 and 1987 and other markets. We also show how to incorporate predictive models into stochastic investment models.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: Introduction (1,029 KB)
- Introduction
- Discovery of the Bond–Stock Earnings Yield Differential Model
- Prediction of the 2007–2009 Stock Market Crashes in the US, China and Iceland
- The High Price–Earnings Stock Market Danger Approach of Campbell and Shiller versus the BSEYD Model
- Other Prediction Models for the Big Crashes Averaging –25%
- Effect of Fed Meetings and Small-Cap Dominance
- Using Zweig's Monetary and Momentum Models in the Modern Era
- Analysis and Possible Prediction of Declines in the –5% to –15% Range
- A Stopping Rule Model for Exiting Bubble-like Markets with Applications
- A Simple Procedure to Incorporate Predictive Models in Stochastic Investment Models
- Appendices:
- Other Bubble-testing Methodologies and Historical Bubbles
- Mathematics of the Changepoint Detection Model
Readership: Students, researchers and the general public who are interested to understand more about stock market crashes and what to do about them.
"Stock market declines of ten percent or more are both costly and frequent. The authors share what they have learned about dodging these disasters, based on decades of research, data analysis and trading. "
Edward O Thorp
author of A Man For All Markets and
the New York Times bestseller, Beat the Dealer
"In my experience, one of the most important objectives stated by most investment managers is the preservation of investors' capital. Central to that objective is to avoid catastrophic losses due to major stock market declines or outright crashes. Hence, being able to predict crashes is a fundamental caveat to sound investment strategy. Probably more than anyone since the legendary works of Hyman Minsky, William Ziemba has provided the soundest, empirically based techniques, models and insights to investors to help them avoid and deal with major stock market declines. My own works, using fundamental models for predicting individual firm and sovereign defaults, complements well Bill Ziemba's important contributions. "
Edward I Altman
Max L Heine Professor of Finance, Emeritus
New York University, Stern School of Business
"Stock Market Crashes: Predictable and Unpredictable is a well-documented account of research addressing the detection of stock market bubbles and the predictability of the timing of their eventual burst. Whereas the jury is still out, both practitioners and academics will benefit from reading this fascinating account by Professor Ziemba, an accomplished contributor to this quest."
George M Constantinides
Leo Melamed Professor of Finance
Booth School of Business, University of Chicago
"Bill Ziemba has spent his professional life studying financial and other markets and their anomalies. His insights have been very valuable, time and again, for academic researchers and practitioners alike. A highly recommended read for anybody interested in financial markets."
Gerd Infanger
Stanford University and Infanger Investments, LLC
"Overall, the book provides an interesting and useful synthesis of the authors’ research on the predictions of stock market crashes. The book can be recommended to anyone interested in the Bond Stock Earnings Yield Differential model, and similar methods to predict crashes."
Quantitative Finance
"Anyone interested in learning about various methods used by others to predict stock market declines would find this book interesting, especially those who want to create spreadsheet models to track various market health indicators that can be used for timing the market. There are a variety of predictors and situations that investors can use to predict market direction, with varying degrees of accuracy."
IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine
"This monograph provides an interesting discussion for contemporary models for studying asset price bubbles, market crashes, exit and asset allocation strategies. The discussions for the models are grounded on rich sources of empirical observations from various markets. They appear to be convincing and provide valuable insights into understanding how those models may be applied."