The limit-point/limit-circle problem had its beginnings more than 100 years ago with the publication of Hermann Weyl's classic paper in Mathematische Annalen in 1910 on linear differential equations. This concept was extended to second-order nonlinear equations in the late 1970's and later, to higher order nonlinear equations. This monograph traces the development of what is known as the strong nonlinear limit-point and limit-circle properties of solutions. In addition to bringing together all such results into one place, some new directions that the study has taken as well as some open problems for future research are indicated.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The Origins of the Limit-Point/Limit-Circle Problem (115 KB)
- The Origins of the Limit-Point/Limit-Circle Problem
- Equations with p-Laplacian
- Strong Limit-Point/Limit-Circle Properties
- Damped Equations
- Higher Order Equations
- Delay Equations I
- Delay Equations II
- Transformations of the Basic Equation
- Notes, Open Problems, and Future Directions
Readership: Graduate students and researchers of mathematics integrated in limit-point/limit circle topics.
"The present book provides an interesting sequel to this monograph. Every chapter contains several necessary and/or sufficient conditions under which the particular type of an equation possesses the (strong) limit-point/limit-circle property. A possible connection to (non-)oscillatory behavior is also discussed. Furthermore, these results are also illustrated by numerous examples at the end of every chapter."
ZBMath Open