Editorial Board
Jerry Bona (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
Johnny Henderson (Baylor University, USA)
Irena Lasiecka (University of Memphis, USA)
Suzanne Lenhart (University of Tennessee at Knoxville, USA)
Jean Mawhin (Universite Catholiquté de Louvain, Belgium)
This series will provide state of the art results and applications on current topics in the broad area of Mathematical Analysis. Of a more focused nature than what is usually found in standard textbooks, these volumes will provide researchers and graduate students a path to the research frontiers in an easily accessible manner. In addition to being useful for individual study, they will also be appropriate for use in graduate and advanced undergraduate courses and research seminars. The volumes in this series will not only be of interest to mathematicians but also to scientists in other areas.
At the same time, this series will provide authors with an appropriate venue for rapidly publishing self-contained limited scope research of a broad interest but for which a traditional publishing opportunity does not exist.
The following areas are those in which we wish to attract contributions to the series. Emphasis will be placed on important developments in:
Each volume in this series will be a minimum of 150 to 200 pages in length. It should be somewhat self-contained and include a sufficient number of references to the relevant and current literature so that a researcher not totally familiar with the area can easily find appropriate background information.
High quality manuscripts for graduate or undergraduate textbooks or lecture notes, collections of invited papers dedicated to a single topic or to a person, and proceedings of a conference or a special session will all be considered for this series.
About the Series Editor
Dr. John R. Graef is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga since 1999. He was an assistant, associate and full professor at Mississippi State University from 1970-1999. He is the author of over 350 papers and of six research monographs. His seventh book is a graduate text/monograph and the premier book of this series entitled “Multiple Solutions of Boundary Value Problems: A Variational Approach”. Dr. Graef's own general research areas have included ordinary and functional differential equations, difference equations, impulsive systems, differential inclusions, fractional differential equations, dynamic equations on time scales, and their applications. Special interests include: nonlinear oscillations (stability, oscillation, nonoscillation, and other asymptotic properties of solutions of nonlinear equations); boundary value problems; control theory; dynamical systems; variational methods; and mathematical modeling.