Modified gravity theories have been a main focus of theoretical cosmology research in the past decade or so, and have been quickly developing into a mature research field that attracts attention, interest and effort from both theoretical and observational cosmologists. To be prepared for fully exploiting the future observational data, and to provide a guidance for people who are new to this field, it is useful to have a comprehensive review to summarise the current state of knowledge and to foresee the future developments.
This book presents expert reviews on different topics in the field, which are then coordinated and organised in a self-consistent and self-contained manner. It is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in the frontier research of gravity theories.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1 Gravity Beyond General Relativity
- Gravity Beyond General Relativity (Kazuya Koyama)
- Parametrizations for Tests of Gravity (Lucas Lombriser)
- Simulation Techniques (Claudio Llinares)
- Approximation Methods in Modified Gravity Models (Baojiu Li)
- Large-Scale Structure Probes of Modified Gravity (Catherine Heymans and Gong-Bo Zhao)
- Tests of Gravity with Galaxy Clusters (Matteo Cataneo and David Rapetti)
- Towards Testing Gravity with Cosmic Voids (Yan-Chuan Cai)
- Astrophysical Tests of Screened Modified Gravity (Jeremy Sakstein)
- Laboratory Constraints (Philippe Brax, Clare Burrage and Anne-Christine Davis)
Readership: Graduate students and researchers in cosmology.
"This book represents an excellent read for the modern physicist and a great contribution to modified gravity theory and observation, exploring the latest results and most recent models, numerical simulations and methods as well as observational techniques in gravitational physics beyond General Relativity."
Contemporary Physics