This book discusses several important issues in the practice of China's green development. It analyzes the carbon mitigation, water conservation and environmental pollution from the perspectives of economic development, technological change, production and demand. The book uses various quantitative methods to reveal the pathways of China's green development. The methods include Log Mean Divisia Index, input-output analysis, structural decomposition analysis, data envelope analysis, econometric methods and computable general equilibrium model. The findings, discussions and policy implications of this book contribute to the theory and policy studies in China's green development.
Sample Chapter(s)
Introduction: Coordinating Ecological and Economic Construction With Green Development
- Introduction: Coordinating Ecological and Economic Construction With Green Development (Youguo Zhang)
- Reflections on Green Development Strategy:
- The Long-term Strategy of China to Deal With Climate Change (Yisheng Zheng, Youguo Zhang, Yuhong Li and Xiao Zhang)
- Uncertainties, Lock-In, and "Energy-Conservation First" Strategy: A Discussion on Methodology (Yisheng Zheng)
- Reducing Blindness in Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction: Some Reflections on the Indicators of Energy Consumption Intensity (Yuxin Zheng)
- Green Development Path:
- Ways to Reduce Per Capita Carbon Emissions in China: Economic Development and Technological Progress (Youguo Zhang)
- Agricultural Production Mode and Its Environmental Impact (Yuhong Li)
- Impact of Trade on China's Carbon Emissions (1987–2011) (Youguo Zhang)
- Virtual Water in the Foreign Trade of China and Its Policy Implications (Xiao Zhang)
- Several Fundamental Problems Concerning Green Development Policies:
- Evaluation of Environmental Value: Assessment of Ecological Environment Benefits (Xiao Zhang)
- Disposal of Undesirable Output in Measurement of Productivity: Theory and Methods (Yuhong Li)
- Calculation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in China: Methods and Practice (Yuhong Li and Yisheng Zheng)
- Review and Evaluation of Green Development Policy:
- Review and Prospect of China's Environmental Policy: A Perspective of Environment and Development (Youguo Zhang)
- Industrial Water-Use Efficiency Under the Dual Constraints of Resources and Environment: An Empirical Study Based on SBM-Undesirable and Meta-Frontier Models (Jing Li and Xiaocan Ma)
- Macro and Structural Effects of Carbon Intensity Constraints (Youguo Zhang and Yuxin Zheng)
- Potential Impact of Carbon Tariffs and Their Collection Standards on China's Economy and Carbon Emissions (Youguo Zhang, Shilin Zheng, Li'an Zhou and Guang Shi)
Readership: Academics, professionals, policy-makers and students interested in environmental economics and green development policies and strategies in China.
Dr Youguo ZHANG is professor at Institute of Quantitative Economics and Technical Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), chairman of the Environmental Technical Economics Branch of Chinese Society of Technology Economics (CSTE). He was the visiting scholar at University of California at Berkeley in 2010–2011. He is a leading expert on environmental input-output analysis, environmental computable general equilibrium model and green development study in China. Dr ZHANG is the Principal Investigator of a series of important projects granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Social Science Foundation of China and CASS. He has received several important rewards for his distinguished work in economic research, such as the AnZiJie International Trade Study Reward, HuSheng Young Scholar Rewards and LiuShiBai Economic Study Reward. He has published three books and his articles has been published in refereed international journals, including Ecological Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Energy Economics and Economic Systems Research, Energy Policy, and many renowned Chinese journals. He also serves as a referee of a number of reputed international journals, such as Ecological Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Energy, Applied Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Urban Studies, World Economy and Economic Systems Research.