Latest Edition: Resource and Environmental Economics, 2nd Edition
This important book deals with the essential principles of resource and environmental economics, provides applications to contemporary issues in this field, and outlines and assesses policies being used or proposed for managing the use of environmental and natural resources. Covering specific contemporary topics such as agriculture and the environment, water use, greenhouse gas management, biodiversity conservation, tourism and the environment, and environmental economics and health, leading issues in resource and environmental economics are outlined and analyzed in an innovative manner. Institutional economics (both new and traditional) is applied and compared with other approaches such as neoclassical economics, behavioral economics and the Austrian School of Economics. This heterogeneous, multi-perspective approach enables problems to be considered from several different angles, thus enhancing the reader's comprehension of the subject matter. Furthermore, using minimal technical jargon, the book takes into account aspects of modern economic analysis such as the costs of and constraints on decision-making and the transaction costs involved in policy implementation.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 1: The Nature and Significance of Resource and Environmental Economics (88 KB)
Chapter 2: Different Types of Approaches to Environmental and Resource Economics (213 KB)
Chapter 8: Agriculture, Agricultural Policies and the Environment (173 KB)
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- General Issues:
- The Nature and Significance of Resource and Environmental Economics
- Different Types of Approaches to Environmental and Resource Economics
- Economic Failure in Using Resources and the Environment
- Property Rights, Laws, Markets and Resource Use
- Regulating Natural Resource Use and Pollution Emissions
- Economic Valuation of Environmental Spillovers and Natural Resources
- Sustainability as an Environmental and Economic Issue
- More Specific Topics:
- Agriculture, Agricultural Policies and the Environment
- Water Management
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Global Warming, Energy Use and Air Pollution
- Recycling and Solid Waste Management
- Health and Environmental Economics
Readership: Academics, undergraduates and graduate students in environmental economics, natural resource economics, ecological economics, environmental management and policy studies.
“Written by an outstanding environmental economist, this authoritative book bears the imprint of the author's scholarship and deep understanding of the issues relating to resource and environmental economics. It is thus essential reading for researchers, students and policy makers interested in promoting sustainable development.”
Dr K N Ninan
Professor of Ecological Economics
Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bangalore, India
“While there are many books on similar topics, none combines depth of analysis with important current applications so well. A model of clarity.”
Darwin C Hall
Co-Director, Environmental Science & Policy
California State University
“Professor Tisdell's expository skills are unmatched. This volume conveys complex material with great clarity, using case examples with unusual effectiveness. Furthermore, it is more inclusive than many books on these topics in its extensive international coverage. This is a most useful contribution.”
Jane V Hall
Co-Director, Institute of Economic and Environmental Studies
California State University
“This textbook provides an excellent introduction, which is easily accessible and readable and benefits greatly from the author's life-long career as an environmental and resource economist.”
Eric Neumayer
Professor of Environment and Development and
Head of the Department of Geography and Environment
London School of Economics, UK