In order for the joint research by Network of ASEAN-China Think-tanks (NACT) to reach out to a much wider audience, NACT began to publish joint research of all Working Groups since 2019. This book is a collection of research papers contributed by ASEAN and China scholars who attended NACT Working Group Meeting on Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Energy Development on April 16, 2019 and NACT Working Group Meeting on Environmental Protection in ASEAN and China on May 17, 2019. The contributing scholars give their ingenious and insightful thoughts on ASEAN-China energy and environmental protection cooperation from either a national or a regional perspective. Two NACT Working Group Reports are also incorporated in the appendices of this book, including innovative and practical policy recommendations on strengthening ASEAN-China sustainable energy and environmental protection cooperation in existing priority areas and identifying new ones.
Sample Chapter(s)
Chapter 4: China’s Environmental Protection in the New Era from the Perspective of Eco-Civilization Construction
- Foreword
- About the Editors
- Cambodian Strategy for the Development of Energy: Current Progress and Future Prospect (Panharith Long)
- The Current State and the Prospects of Waste Management in Cambodia (Panharith Long)
- China–ASEAN Renewable Energy Cooperation: Practices and Policy Recommendations (Liang Dong and He Hu)
- China's Environmental Protection in the New Era from the Perspective of Eco-Civilization Construction (Qingzhi Huan)
- The Sustainable Energy Development Strategy in the LAO PDR (Ekto Vongphakdy)
- Lao Perspective: "Environmental Protection in ASEAN and China: Challenges and Cooperation (Sulathin Thiladej)
- The Cooperation between Myanmar and China in Oil and Gas Sector since 1988 (Daw Thida)
- A Myanmar Perspective on ASEAN–China Environmental Cooperation (Wai Yan Linn)
- A View on ASEAN and China Cooperation Strategy in Environmental Protection (Daw Htay Htay Nyein)
- Singapore's Sustainable & Clean Energy Development: A Case Study (Tai Wei Lim)
- Challenges for Municipal Solid Waste Management in Vietnam (Nguyen Thi Phuong Lan)
- Appendix I
- Appendix II
Readership: Academics, policymakers, professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, interested in China-ASEAN cooperation in sustainable energy and environment protection.
Dr Yang Yue received her PhD in International Relations from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She has been a Fulbright Scholar at Georgetown University from 2006 to 2008. She studies American politics and foreign policy. She has published books and a series of papers on the political process of American social movements, American electoral politics, the US foreign policy towards Asia-Pacific region. She is currently conducting research projects on the US Asia-Pacific policy and cultural diplomacy. She also leads courses in "Contemporary American Government and Policy" and "Approaches and Topics in American Politics". As a member of NACT China (Network of ASEAN-China Think-tanks), she has also been actively engaging in Track II diplomacies.
Dr LI Fujian is a Research Fellow of the Institute of Asian Studies at China Foreign Affairs University. Fujian obtained his first degree in Business Administration from Shandong University (China) as well as an M.Sc. in International Business from the University of Birmingham (UK), and PhD in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Western Australia. Fujian has been an Adjunct Research Fellow with the Center for Oceanian Studies at Sun Yat-sen University since 2013. Fujian's research interests are centered on China's regional relations and Sino-Australian relations.